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"Anna Olivier des Bermudes" rose References
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 106.  
Etoile de Lyon, sulphur-yellow
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 195.  
Tea. Etoile de Lyon (Guillot fils 1881) Cup form, very vivid yellow, esteemed forcing rose. When cultured for forcing, it is recommended to graft this rose on Polyantha.
Book  (1894)  Page(s) 283-4.  
Teas and Noisettes.
Etoile de Lyon (Guillot, 1881). — This does well as a dwarf, and has strong good growth and foliage, but is a very disappointing Rose out of doors, having been much over-praised. The blooms come generally badly, of confused and queer shapes, and require as a rule very dry warm weather; yet the sort did better, oddly enough, with me in the cold wet summer of 1888 than many other Teas. A Rose whose performance is not up to its promise; for when you do get a well-shaped and regular bloom from a strong and very stout shoot it is surprising how small and insignificant it looks when set up beside other Tea Roses cut from much slenderer and weaker stems. This is partially accounted for, no doubt, by the globular shape, and by the outer petals being short, and kept well up to the bloom. Those are always the most effective shapes, where the outer petals are the longest, and stand well away from the flower like great wings. As in the ancient sport of Falconry, the short-winged Roses are of quite a lower order compared to the long-winged ones. It is something of the shape and colour of Monsieur Furtado, a very weak variety now generally dropped, though larger, as indeed it ought to be considering the great difference in growth. Rather liable to mildew, of good lasting qualities when dry, it is best under glass and is not suitable for extended culture out of doors in our climate.
Website/Catalog  (1893)  Page(s) 23.  
Rosiers-thé....Etoile de Lyon (Guillot 82) : Fl. jaune soufre éclatant, c. jaune vif., gr. ou tr. gr., pl., imbriquée, odor., pédoncule ferme. Arb. vig., assez rustique. une des meilleurs roses-thé. Ft. C.
Magazine  (9 Jul 1892)  Page(s) 254.  
Etoile de Lyon is a grand Rose that few of us can do really well, for it must have hot sun, and plenty of it, day after day, in order to bring its flowers to perfection. When it has this sunshine it is a treat to see the colour, being a rich saffron-yellow.
Book  (1892)  Page(s) 68.  
Rosiers Thé
Etoile de Lyon. — Fleur grande, pleine, jaune soufre éclatant. Très odorante.
Book  (1891)  Page(s) 178.  Includes photo(s).
Etoile de Lyon* (Fig. 129), bright sulphur-yellow; large, and very full; vigorous; buds do not always open well.
Magazine  (Aug 1890)  Page(s) 81-82.  
ROSIERS THÉS POUR CORBEILLES... M. F. Morel, se basant sur l'expérience faite par un amateur lyonnais, donne dans la Revue Horticole un relevé de tout ce que le groupe des rosiers thés offre de remarquable dans les coloris divers, Nous reproduisons ce relevé :
Fleurs orange ou abricoté.- Adrienne Christophle. Anna Ollevier. Francisca Krüger. Jean Ducher. Madame Charles. Madame Welche. Reine Emma des Pays-Bas. Socrate (milieu du massif). Étoile de Lyon. Comtesse de Frigneuse. Madame Bernard. Madame Ch. Margotin. Perle des jardins. Perle de Lyon. Reine de Portugal. Sunset. Vicomtesse de Cazes. Madame Eugène Verdier (milieu du massif).
Website/Catalog  (1889)  Page(s) 14.  
Etoile de Lyon—Brilliant chrome yellow, deepening at the center to pure golden yellow. Flowers very large, very double and full, and deliciously fragrant; 15 cents.
Website/Catalog  (1889)  Page(s) 58.  
Tea-scented and Hybrid Tea-scented Roses.
Etoile de Lyon  Fine saffron colour, brighter in the centre; very large, full, and of superb form and habit.
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