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"Vestey's Pink Tea" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 38-943
most recent 13 OCT 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 AUG 09 by MaryG
Botannica's Roses (copyright 2000), p. 342:

'Géneral Schablikine': "there are tiny prickles under the leaf stalks."
Reply #1 of 1 posted 13 OCT 12 by Scottrose82
I have found my General Schablikine to be incrediblt prickly. Some of the thorns are lethal and once or twice i have cursed as i caught my hand on one of them.
Discussion id : 67-329
most recent 6 OCT 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 OCT 12 by Scottrose82
My rose is currently coming towards the end of its first year flowering. As i did for my mme isaac periere, i thought i would share my views for anyone wanting to grow one in the future.

Overall, this is a very beautiful rose when you see it at its best. At its best the flowers are full to very full. However i have found that you get a bit of a mix. Some are fully double, whereas some are barely double and tend to look untidy. A positive is that the blooms are of a nice size and also have a lovely graceful nodding quality which is perfectly acceptable as it really fits in with this rose as a whole. A Negative however would be the fact that the blooms do not last well in wet weather!

The fragrance of this rose is not strong. It does not carry on a breeze. I would describe the scent as being medium or as a score 6/10. It is a lovely fragrance, sweet and sugary in my opinion. As i have read, which also attracted me to this rose, the scent does have a slight resemblance to earl gray tea which is lovely. Just bury nose into the bloom to experience it. Lovely!

HEALTH: 9/10
Of the three roses that i grow, the other two being reine des violettes and mme isaac periere, i think that this has shown the best health in its first year. I never expected to see so many flowers in its first year. I have had more flowers from this in its first year than other roses that have been growing for longer. I Was worried that i would not be able to grow a tea rose in my climate (8) but i have been so amazed at how well this rose has grown. I have had no trouble from disease apart from a couple of leaves at the base that looked like they had a bit of blackspot. Perfectly healthy.

Overall 22/30
Discussion id : 36-309
most recent 13 MAY 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAY 09 by Cass
Contributed by AnneU:
Vestey's Pink Tea

‘Vestey’s Pink Tea’ = Ancien – Thé – rose moyen, remontant. Redécouvert dans le jardin de Lady Vestey, ce rosier thé n’a pas révélé son identité et a donc été rebaptisé. Il forme un buisson à port étalé, de hauteur moyenne, armé de forts aiguillons en croche sous un feuillage vert franc et satiné, exempt de maladies. Ses fleurs de 30 à 40 pétales se forment en coupe élégante, rose intense suffusé de crème et retouché d’un onglet crème à la base de chaque pétale. Exquises en bouton et conservant bien leur coloris, elles exhalent un délicieux parfum de rose thé. En climat privilégié, la floraison est continuelle, et particulièrement belle en automne et en hiver. Zones 5-10. Ascendance inconnue. Source: Rosa, Rosae, l’encyclopédie des Roses – p.612+photo.
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