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'KORgrasotra' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 32-212
most recent 10 DEC 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 DEC 08 by bob diller
This rose is turning out to be a climber for me. Has foliage very different than all other Kordes roses I grow, in that it looks very similar to gallica rose foliage. The blooms are beautiful and the rose shows supperior vigor, as it's base is becoming engulfed in another rose Pink Bells (she is now 17 feet long, by 6 feet wide by 4 feet tall and roots where it touches the ground). The blooms are very Austin rose look to them as well. This rose is far more disease resistant than my Austin roses though, but did show some black spot, but nothing enough to get concerned about. My garden is in Richmond Virginia and is organic. This rose gets the same regiment as all the rest of my roses, spring alfalfa and fish emulsion, and then fish emulsion again after the major flush of bloom and again going into the fall.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 9 DEC 08 by The Old Rosarian
That is very interesting Bob. I have Home and Garden that came straight from Kordes and the leaves are small and shiny. Have a photo on my website under floribundas continued and you will be able to see the bug eaten and BS leaves!
I have many of the newer Kordes roses that are supposed to be a medium (around 3 feet tall) but on multiflora they really take off and a couple are now 6 feet tall. According to the Kordes breeder, it is the understocks that are causing the spurt of growth. I think Kordes buds on laxa but don't quote me.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 10 DEC 08 by bob diller
This rose is own root, and there is nothing even close to a shine on the leaves. They are dull medium green just like all the gallica roses I grow. I have many Kordesii roses and it is obvious to see that blood in many Kordes roses I grow that are no longer credited to the Kordesii line because Kordes no longer gives parentages when they register their roses. This rose is very different than all their others, and if it is indeed mislabled, the blooms sure like their website's photos of this rose, but unfortunately, they show no leaves really. What ever this rose is, I'm happy with it. When weather and new growth permit, I'll have to do some close up photos of the leaves and canes and post them and maybe others will put in their 2 cents worth on this topic.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 10 DEC 08 by HMF Admin
Thanks Bob, you certainly put in more then 2 cents. Wonderful contribution.
Discussion id : 21-515
most recent 20 SEP 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 SEP 07 by Unregistered Guest
How can you tell the difference between this "Home and Garden" rose and "Cinderella fairy tale"?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 SEP 07 by Cass
Hi, Jimmy,
I hope someone in the rose universe grows both and will be able to answer based on experience.

The one obvious difference based on Kordes' information is the size. Cinderalla Fairy Tale should be a much larger plant.
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