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'Dog Rose' References
Book  (1972)  Page(s) 30.  Includes photo(s).
plate 30
Rosa canina L. Dog Rose. R.systyla Bast.  Pedicels 1-2 cm, sub glabrous; sepals falling early; stigmas conical, narrower than disk. Common. Flo. June-July.
Magazine  (May 1966)  Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 20.  
Tableau Récapitulatif des différents Porte-Greffes
Rosa canina; Origine: Européenne; Multiplication: Semi; Greffage: Œil poussant, œil dormant; Terrain: tous, même calcaires; Température: Indifférent sauf excès de chaleur; Humidité: Indifférent sauf excès d'eau; Vigueur: Forte; Longevité: Forte; Resistance aux maladies: Bonne; Formes améliorées: var. inermis; Races ou formes préferentielles: Toutes; Lieu d'utilisation: France Region Lyonnaise, Nord Europe

[see 'Manetti' for photo of whole table]
Book  (1962)  Page(s) 6-7.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa canina L. Dog- or Hedge-rose - She is the most common wild rose here, and can be seen on sunny forest edges and along hedges. In early summer, the shrubs are covered with small, delightful light pink or almost white roses. Towards autumn, numerous deep red hips decorate the arching branches. She received the name "Dog Rose", as it was said that she can heal rabies. Currently she is the rose which is used most by breeders for grafting of the garden varieties, as she is resistant and delivers understock adaptable to almost all kinds of soil.
Magazine  (May 1959)  Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 6.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa canina [hip]
Book  (Jul 1938)  Page(s) 85.  
R. canina, Dog Rose. - (Canina means pertaining to a dog). Named varieties of Hybrid Teas and Hybrid Perpetuals have often been budded on this rootstock. Unfortunately, the seed requires about 2 years of after ripening for a high percentage of germination; if otherwise planted perhaps only 1 per cent may germinate the first year and low percentages for a number succeeding years. Fruit red. Planted in 1931, it has killed almost completely in recent years at Beaverlodge. However, not far from the Alberta-Saskatchewan border, where maturity of wood has been forced by drouth, it has been fully as hardy as R. rugosa. According to some reports. R. canina is coming into favor again as a rootstock in the east. It is widespread in Europe and western Asia and some forms or varieties are undoubtedly much hardier than others.
Book  (1937)  Page(s) 67.  
canina L. [ploidy] 35 ([thereof univalents:] 21)
Book  (1931)  Page(s) Vol. II, p. 690-691.  
The DOG ROSE (R. canina) is a flower of the early summer, its blossoms expanding in the first days of June and being no more to be found after the middle of July. The general growth of the Dog Rose is subject to so much variation that the original species defined by Linnaeus has been divided by later botanists into four or five subspecies. The flowers vary very considerably in colour, from almost white to a very deep pink, and have a delicate but refreshing fragrance. The scarlet fruit, or hip (a name that has come down from the Anglo-Saxon hiope), is generally described as 'flask-shaped.' It is what botanists term a false fruit, because it is really the stalk-end that forms it and grows up round the central carpels, enclosing them as a case; the real fruits, each containing one seed, are the little hairy objects within it. Immediately the flower has been fertilized, the receptacle round the immature fruits grows gradually luscious and red and forms the familiar 'hip,' which acts as a bait for birds, by whose agency the seeds are distributed. At first the hips are tough and crowned with the fivecleft calyx leaves, later in autumn they fall and the hips are softer and more fleshy. The pulp of the hips has a grateful acidity. In former times when garden fruit was scarce, hips were esteemed for dessert. Gerard assures us that 'the fruit when it is ripe maketh the most pleasante meats and banketting dishes as tartes and such-like,' the making whereof he commends 'to the cunning cooke and teethe to eate them in the riche man's mouth.' Another old writer says: 'Children with great delight eat the berries thereof when they are ripe and make chains and other pretty geegaws of the fruit; cookes and gentlewomen make tarts and suchlike dishes for pleasure.' The Germans still use them to make an ordinary preserve and in Russia and Sweden a kind of wine is made by fermenting the fruit.
Rose hips were long official in the British Pharmacopceia for refrigerant and astringent properties, but are now discarded and only used in medicine to prepare the confection of hips used in conjunction with other drugs, the pulp being separated from the skin and hairy seeds and beaten up with sugar. It is astringent and considered strengthening to the stomach and useful in diarrhoea and dysentery, allaying thirst, and for its pectoral qualities good for coughs and spitting of blood. Culpepper states that the hips are 'grateful to the taste and a considerable restorative, fitly given to consumptive persons, the conserve being proper in all distempers of the breast and in coughs and tickling rheums' and that it has 'a binding effect and helps digestion.' He also states that 'the pulp of the hips dried and powdered is used in drink to break the stone and to ease and help the colic.' The constituents of rose hips are malic and citric acids, sugar and small quantities of tannin, resin, wax, malates, citrates and other salts.
The leaves of the Dog Rose when dried and infused in boiling water have often been used as a substitute for tea and have a grateful smell and sub-astringent taste. The flowers, gathered in the bud and dried, are said to be more astringent than the Red Roses. They contain no honey and are visited by insects only for their pollen. Their scent is not strong enough to be of any practical use for distillation purposes.
Two explanations have been put forward for the popular name of this wild rose. The first is founded on an ancient tradition that the root would cure a bite from a mad dog (Pliny affirming that men derived their knowledge of its powers from a dream); and the other and more probable theory that it was the Dag Rose - 'dag' being a dagger - because of its great thorns, and like the 'Dogwood' (originally Dagwood) became changed into 'Dog' by people who did not understand the allusion.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 69.  
Rose Species
Rosa Canina, Linnæus. (Europe, northern Africa.) Very vigorous thorny canes, producing profuse sprays of bright to light pink single flowers up to 2 inches across, followed by large red fruits, which persist into the winter. This is the ancient Dog Rose of England which grows in the hedges and along walls. It is the favorite understock for budding Hybrid Teas in that country.
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 50.  
Rosa Canina (Linné, 1753). The wild rose occuring here in the woods (hip). Homeland: North America, Western Asia and Europe.
Book  (1916)  Page(s) Vol. II, p. 51.  
[Theophrastus, Book VI., 8. - probably Rosa canina]
The rose comes last of these [narcissus, anemone, etc], and is the first of the spring flowers to come to an end, as it is the first to appear, for its time of blooming is short. 
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