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'Gefüllte Heckenrose' References
Book  (1823)  Page(s) 162.  
ROSA neglècta. T.

R. urceolis subglobosis , segmentis simplicibus pedunculisque glabris, floribus solitariis alternis semiplenis, foliolis parvis lanceolatis, argute serratis , caulibus gracilibus , flexuosis , aculeis subrecurvis stipularibus. T.

Rosa canina var. flore pleno. Andr. Ros. fasc. 12.

Habitus et altitudo fruticis ignota, videtur similis R. aгvensi. Folia et foliola simillima R. aciphyllae , sed subtus glaucescentia; petioli glabri, aculeati; stipulae lineares glabrae involventes. Aculei ramulorum longi, recti vel parum recurvi, purpurei, graciles, basi parum dilatati, stipulares, gemini, raro solitarii ; pedunculi alterni, uullis foliis sed bracteis lanceolatis patentibus praediti, sat longi ; flores parvi albi, et pallidissime rosei, petalis exterioribus patentibus, interioribus convolutis genitalia cooperientibus.
Etsi cell. Andrew hanc pro R. caninae varietate declarat, et quamquam aliqua similitudo cum R. aciphylla minime denegari potest, tamen aperte video , hanc ne quidem ad familiam R. caninae pertinere , sed potius ad illam R. Carolinae et sim. Hanc affinitatem mihi jam produnt aculei stipulares , foliola et segmenta calycis longissima simplicia. Patria ignoratur; promea opinione est America septentrionalis. In Anglia jam diu colitur in hortis. Species sine dubio adeo distincta quam ulla.
Dixi neglectam, quia in hortis plerumque hegligitur, sed immerito, cum tamen elegantia insignis sit, et solum nomen R. caninae erroneum cultorum exspeetationem deleat; qua de caussa etiam ipse Andrew tandem immerito negligi conqueritur. T.
Website/Catalog  (1818)  Page(s) 72.  
ROSA canina flore pleno... [classe de Linnée] 12... [pays] Europe... [nature] ligneux... [sol] 1/3 terre franche, 2/3 terre de bruyère... [temperature] pleine terre... [multiplication] marcottes, greffes par approche.
Book  (1818)  Page(s) 96.  
Rosa canina, variété à fleurs doubles.- Rose de chien double, Lawr., tab. 60.
Book  (1808)  Page(s) 24.  
Rosa canina, var. double.
Book  (1808)  Page(s) fasc. 12, tab. 6.  Includes photo(s).
ROSA canina; Var. flore pleno.
Dog Rose; Double-flowered Variety.

Specific Character. Rose with roundish seed-buds, and smooth peduncles. Flowers semi-double; the outer petals are whitish, and spreading; the inner are of a pale flesh colour, and unclosed. The stem and petioles are prickly. Branches slender, and flexuose.

This elegant little Rose is a most desirable variety of the wild species, and would be extremely ornamental if trained against a wall. We have not been able to learn for certain by whom it was first cultivated, but are inclined to think it the spontaneous effusion of nature unassisted by art; and are rather surprised that it should not have become long before now an object of general culture: but, as we understand it is rather shy of flowering, that in some measure
accounts for an otherwise apparent neglect of beauty. We have no doubt, however, when it becomes abundantly cultivated, it may also prove a plant of freer bloom. From the light, airy, graceful character of its flowers, we are convinced that to be sought after it need but to be seen.
Our figure was made from the only plant we have ever seen in bloom, at the nursery of Messrs. Whitley and Brames.
Book  (1799)  Page(s) 36-37.  
Die gefüllte Hundsrose. (Rosa canina flore pleno.) Der Herr Prof. Mönch in dem Verzeichnis ausländischer Bäume und Stauden des Lustschlosses Weisenstein bey Cassel S.121. führt diese Abart von der einfachen Hundsrose, mit der ihr gleichen Farbe an; welche, wie ich vermuthe, auch wie die Hundsrosebey dem Blühen etwas geschlossen bleibt.
Book  (1785)  Page(s) 221.  
ROSA canina. L. Die Hundsrose. Die Hagebuttenrose.
Abart mit gefüllten Blumen.
Book  (1687)  Page(s) 527.  
Rosa sylvestris, flore pleno C.B.P. 483. Rosa Eglentina, flore pleno I.B.tom.2.l.14.43.
Book  (1665)  Page(s) 31.  
Rosa Canina flore pleno.
The double Dog Rose in leaves and branches is like the lesser white Rose, or wilde kind hereof; the flowers are double, for which it is esteemed, of a faint whitish blush colour, and weak.
Book  (1665)  Page(s) 157.  
Rosa Canina duplicato flore. Burdigalensis quorundam.
Rosa sylvestris flore pleno sylvestris odorata flore multiplici Icon. Lob. Eglantier à fleur pleine.
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