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"Phyllis Davis" rose References
Book  (2021)  Page(s) 372.  Includes photo(s).
'Aglaia' ....The DNA-Profile was prepared by Pom  [Swedish Programme for Plant Diversity]....The kinship with Rosa multiflora, the Japanese climber, and “Öjas Karna”, the other Multiflora variety DNA-analysed, are 23.5 and 22.2% respectively.
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 178-179.  Includes photo(s).
‘Aglaia’/’Yellow Rambler’: Hybride Multiflora. Parents: Rosa multiflora x ‘Rêve d’Or’. Obtenteur: Schmidt, et commercialisé par Lambert, 1896. Description et conseils.
Book  (2003)  
p100 ‘Aglaia’, ‘Euphrosyne’ and ‘Thalia’.

p101 ‘Aglaia’ syn ‘Yellow Rambler’ (Schmitt, introduced by Lambert, 1896) Description
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 67.  
Aglaia’/’Yellow Rambler’ = grimpant – jaune pâle. ...On sait que Rosa multiflora, croisé avec des roses jaunes, tend à imposer sa blancheur, et il est exact que le teint de ‘Aglaia’ pâlit relativement vite. Mais la santé de son feuillage et l’abondance de ses fleurs, combinées à un parfum prononcé, lui valent une place dans toute collection… Schmitt, France, 1896. Rosa multiflora x ‘Rêve d’Or’.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 97.  
Aglaia Centifolia. Descemet?, pre-1811... a pretty pink shading to lialc mixed with white... Probably a hybrid between a Centifolia and the Damask 'Argentée'... Not to be confused with 'Aglaia', the Lambertiana.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 67.  
Aglaia ('Yellow Rambler') Schmitt 1896. Description... one of the most dependable Ramblers; it also has the distinction of being the first yellow-flowered one... Aglaia is one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology; the remaining two, Euphrosyne and Thalia, were used by the breeder to name other creations...
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 81.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 4.  
Aglaia Hybrid Multiflora, straw-yellow to white, 1896, ('Yellow Rambler'); R. multiflora x 'Rêve d'Or'; Schmitt. Description.
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 114.  
‘Aglaia’ = Section Synstylae… Rosa multiflora x ‘Rêve d’Or’. Obtenu par Schmitt, à Lyon, introduit par Peter Lambert en 1896… c’est le premier rosier sarmenteux à fleurs jaunes qui ait jamais vu le jour. Ce jaune paille, pâle à vrai dire, passe peu à peu au blanc citron. …‘Aglaia’ n’est plus qu’un rosier historique pour colectionneur.
Book  (1975)  Page(s) 61.  
Leonie Bell. Roses at Wyck. (planted prior to 1910).
One rose in this later list is of particular interest because it has been absent from nursery catalogues for many years. We found it growing up through an overgrown mock orange against the chimney wall that fronts the street. Camouflaged by the orange-centered white bloom of the Philadelphus, which its small cream-white flowers resemble, Douglas and I spotted it the moment we walked through the front gate of the high fence a few feet away. Struggling to reach sunlight, the limber canes must have been twelve feet long. Douglas, because he is tall, had the unsavory task of reaching up through the thorny snarl to capture a blooming stem or two. While the prickles are not numerous, they are falcate and needle-sharp. We had never seen this rose with the creamy yellow buds and bright shining green foliage. Yet later that same day in 1972 while exploring a rose-rich cemetery in another part of Philadelphia, we came upon a bush no higher than five feet, massed with strangely familiar light yellow to white bloom. When the whips of canes caught in our clothes, we realized that here in full sun was the yellow-budded Wyck rambler with the ripping thorns. It turned out to be ‘Aglaia’ a rambler that bears very little resemblance to its reported parent, R. multiflora, but does have a pronounced sweet scent. At the turn of the century it was better known as “Yellow Rambler” and was widely planted.
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