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Marquise de Sinéty  rose photo courtesy of member billy teabag
Photo Id: 237181

From The Garden Vol 73, 1909, p500

PLATE 1884.


I THOUGHT at one time we should find this superb novelty of rather moderate growth, but apparently it will equal most of the yellow - coloured Hybrid Teas in vigour; in fact, it is superior outdoors to Instituteur Sirdey. The Briar cutting suits the Rose under notice admirably; indeed, this stock is even superior with me to the seedling Briar in producing a fine plant. In the near future I imagine Marquise de Sinety will be a formidable rival to Mme. Ravary, although I question whether we shall ever obtain a variety to really surpass this latter for general usefulness.
In Marquise de Sinety we have a flower with the rich golden hue of the deep-coloured Trollius, and what a mass of it will be like may be imagined. The flower has a shapely, globular build, with just slightly reflexed edges to the petals. The lovely rich -coloured foliage, in the young state almost like Beetroot, gives a grand contrast to the flower. I wish M. Pernet-Ducher or some other raiser would make haste and give us a real golden bedding Rose of the colour of the common yellow Broom, which was such a grand picture in our locality this spring. We want a rich yellow bedding Rose that does not fade; but it is easier to express the desire than to produce the article, as all know very well who have had anything to do with raising novelties.
However, I hope that before long this golden yellow bedder will be forthcoming. P.

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