(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 4. Includes photo(s).
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 44. Includes photo(s). Pink Grootendorst Rugosa... characterized by the rugged shrubby plants and unusual highly quilted grey-green leaves... The Grootendorsts have unique carnation-like flowers in clusters... Rose pink... Hardy... More manageable in harsh climates...
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). Lavaglut Floribunda... deep velvety red... Kordes 1979...
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 6, 20. Includes photo(s). Page 6: [PHOTO] Page 20: [PHOTO] Gemini Hybrid Tea. Zary 2000... Cream blushing coral pink... Best size and form in moderate temps... Parentage: 'Anne Morrow Lindbergh' x 'New Year...
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 6. Includes photo(s).
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 16. Includes photo(s). Crimson Bouquet™ Grandiflora. Kordes 2000. Parentage: 'Bad Füssing' x 'Ingrid Bergman'... bright velvet red... better flower size and petalage in cool conditions...
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 3. Includes photo(s).
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 7. Includes photo(s).
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 2, 25. Includes photo(s). Page 2: [PHOTO] Page 25: LeAnn Rimes Hybrid Tea... ivory yellow edged deep pink... performs best in northern climates... strong rose and citurs fragrance... Harkness 1999... Parentage: 'Dr. Darley' x 'Sweetheart'...
(30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 45. Includes photo(s). Queen Margrethe Shrub... Pastel pink... The Queen of Denmark personally selected this special variety because it captured the romance of old-fashioned roses on a new-fashioned plant... fragrance of fresh cut apples...