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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 22 FEB 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 APR 21 by drossb1986
I got this from Jackson & Perkins this year (2021) as a new intro. While mine is a creamier color and less yellow than I was expecting, the blooms are MASSIVE. Absolutely, showstoppingly gigantic. Mine have taken forever to open up despite ~80+ temps this week. The scent is light...nothing to write home about. My only complaint is that the form is weird. If it had a more formal high-center when opening it would be over-the-top. I'm not a huge fan of the somewhat jumbled, old-fashioned rose look it has when open, but they're still gorgeous. As of right now (no report on disease resistance as of yet), I highly recommend this one.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 FEB 23 by MiGreenThumb
Great write-up!
I myself love the classic, true rose form. That high-centered swirl is a modern development, and I'm so glad we're getting away from that cookie cutter pattern of dullness and unoriginal florist rose sameness in modern varieties. Thank goodness roses don't all look the same. It would be so depressing if we had all these different colors but every last one of them looked like a rose at the florist shop.
My Larger Than Life has survived one winter, but it hasn't taken off. I might be too cold here, or it could be just because it's still getting established.
Slightly scented, huge golden blooms of classic form, fading to cream at the edges. Surprisingly healthy!
Z5b/Sunset 41 South Central Michigan.
most recent 24 AUG 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 MAY 20 by drossb1986
New addition this year that I've been extremely pleased with. It doesn't have the high-centered exhibition form, but the color simply glows in the garden. It's extremely eye-catching. It has been very clean with no blackspot issues so far. It also has a nice fragrance. Definitely recommended.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 AUG 22 by GardenGlimpses
I like the color too, and the disease resistance. However it has been quite stingy with bloom. The thorns are insane! If it had more blooms, less thorns it could be decent.
most recent 23 APR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 OCT 21 by drossb1986
I got both Chantilly Cream and it's sister plant, Larger Than Life, this year. Chantilly Cream was way less "creamy" and way more yellow than I was expecting. I was expecting something maybe slightly more yellow than Shirley's Bouquet, but more often than not it was very yellow. That said, it has been a good rose. I prefer it's sibling more though. CC does have an interesting shape about it.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 APR 22 by GardenGlimpses
I enjoyed reading your comparison, drossb1986. I agree Larger than Life is a really ‘wow’ rose, it’s not just the size but overall heft of the bloom that is so opulent, and the plant is equally stout to match the bloom. My local nursery had some really great plants of Chantilly Cream , and I could not resist. I find it quite special too… a slow opening, thick substanced, super long lasting rose that also has outstanding fragrance is a very rare find. This is especially noteworthy in a yellow rose, since many of them are especially fast opening and fleeting. Both sisters are ‘must haves’ for me, I am glad Weeks introduced them both despite making available very few other real HTs in recent years. The form of Chantilly Cream reminds me of the parent Memorial Day, high centers and split/serrated petals.
most recent 10 APR 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 FEB 17 by drossb1986
I recently picked up this rose from a local nursery carrying Weeks Roses. I didn't have any interest in the rose from the promo photos I'd seen last year from Weeks and had only visited the nursery last year before the plants were in bloom. However, when at the nursery a couple of weeks ago and seeing the roses in bloom, I stopped and thought, "What a gorgeous and interesting rose!" To my surprise when checking out the tag, it was Smokin' Hot. In a way, the coloring of the orange is more in the vein of Tropicana to me. The "purple smoke" overlay isn't that strong, and I think describing it with a purple smokey overlay is a detriment to the rose. What IS interesting is that it has this vibrant, but unique, orange with a white reverse and white eye. If you judge it more like as if you crossed Tropicana with Love, you'll appreciate it more...I think. The blooms aren't that large, again reminding me of Love. The scent is light, but the blooms are very eye catching. We will see how it does in the Houston heat and humidity.

April 2017 Update: It's not even that hot yet, and the blooms on Smokin' Hot fry and get crispy already. The bush has been VERY vigorous, but the poor flowers don't take the heat at all. It actually may be the worst rose I have about getting fried in the sun. It's worse that Twilight Zone and as bad or worse than Flirtatious. But, it's such a pretty color when it hasn't been scorched!

1/10/19 Update: Very vigorous reaching almost 7 1/2 feet here in Houston. Kept pumping out flowers even in the worst heat even though they don't do well in the heat. A stunner in the spring and fall. I'd call hybrid tea a stretch as the flowers are a little on the small side for that IMO, but an outstanding rose.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 APR 22 by jmile
The blooms on My Smokin' Hot are huge. We get as hot as you but we have very low humidity. The blooms do great in 100+ degree heat. We had an early day with 95 degree heat and they did fine. The leaves are shiny and disease free here.
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