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Discussion id : 6-675
most recent 1 AUG 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUL 04 by anonymous-94410
I was given a plant in the spring with very small light purple blossoms. I'm assuming it's a miniature rose, but I'm not positive. It was doing gret for a while. I pinched back the dead blossoms and had 2 more blossoms to appear. Soon after that, the leaves turned yellow and almost all of them fell off. Right now the plant has a few leaves that appear to be coming back.

My questions are is could someone tell me exactly what type of rose it is and how can i properly care for it.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 AUG 04 by Wendy C
From the discription it is probably a mini, without seeing it identification would be difficult.,
What the problem is? I'm almost positive, you've overwatered it.

Minis need to stay evenly moist. Too much water and the leaves turn yellow and fall off. If it is still alive, transplant it to a bigger pot with good drainage and it should recover in a couple of weeks.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 1 AUG 04 by HMF Admin
Thank you Wendy C.
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