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Discussion id : 38-814
most recent 25 AUG 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 AUG 09 by coastalflora
Does any kind soul have some ideas on which rose or rose color would go well with my climbing Royal Sunset? I'm going to plant another climber next to it so they'll share the same trellises and (light green) stucco wall. They'll be in afternoon shade, so I want a light color to come home to in the evening, but plain white, as in Cl. Iceberg, doesn't hoist my sails, although I was looking at Alberic Barbier until I saw he's a once-bloomer. White shaded with another color would be fine, or other somewhat light-colored rose, but I don't know which color would complement the Royal Sunset. I'm coastal California, don't need to worry about hardiness, but do need resistance to blackspot. They'll get 5 to 6 hours of morning sun, which doesn't sound like much, but my garden grows healthy plants generally. I'd be very appreciative of any help.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by Cass
Compassion is stellar. Soft pink headed toward apricot, perhaps too similar and not enough contrast but it certainly wouldn't fight with Royal Sunset. I grow one as a large shrub, and it's in bloom all the time. I don't know about blackspot resistance. I garden mostly in Sonoma County now, and there's very little blackspot except during wet springs.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by Jeff Britt
Compassion would be a great choice, but you might also consider Climbing Lady Hillingdon. I actually think the soft orange of Royal Sunset and the butterscotch and yellow of Lady H would look lovely. And Lady H. is tough as nails and resistant to blackspot.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
If you live near the coast I think something like 'Rhapsody in Blue' would be very striking.

One of the deep mauves from Carruth would also work well.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by jedmar
We have combined Royal Sunset with Night Owl. The contrast apricot - violet is fantastic! Night Owl in our garden has a better resistance to blackspot than Royal Sunset, which sheds the lower half of its foliage.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Jedmar, I'm not surprised someone else also thought to be these colors together. You can't beat the juxtaposition.

It's like pairing 'Mrs. Oakley Fisher' with Blue Salvia or Lobelia, and Alyssum. It doesn't get any better than that.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 25 AUG 09 by coastalflora
Thank you all for your suggestions re a companion for my Royal Sunset. Night Owl sounds great - vigorous, blackspot resistant AND fragrant; and would look stunning with the apricot. I painted my eaves a deep nautical blue just for whimsy's sake, and I like the idea of Night Owl's color playing off it.

On the other hand, I was looking for a light-colored rose; I love Compassion, but Lady Hillingdon does seem to look really good with Royal Sunset.

And now I'm going back and forth between Lady Hillingdon and Night Owl. Too bad I don't have a bigger wall area! At least you've helped me narrow it down to two instead of hundreds.

Thanks again, everyone, and happy gardening to you.
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