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Discussion id : 16-268
most recent 22 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JAN 07 by Indoor Rose Garden
Subject: Indoor potted Double Delight in a south facing upstairs bay window.
Culprit: 1/8" long white white crawly bug the leaves trails of little white dots on the top surface of the leaves.
Other Concern: Many of the leaves are somewhat curled under.
Question: How do I keep the leaves taut and pest free?

Other Info: The plant is by the window screen. I open it when the sun is out. I supplement with a grow light, I water in the morning with a good spray mister. I mist the leaves and spray the soil, I give it a couple of cups of water a couple of times per week. I feed it Miracle-Gro 15-30-15 plant food. Thanks for any response!
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