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Oak Ridge Nursery & Garden Centre
Discussion id : 3-902
most recent 17 MAR 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 SEP 03 by Unregistered Guest
Hi I have set my heart on getting the climbing rose "Compassion". I realize this is a bad time of year to start looking. Have a beautiful new arbour built though---just waiting!
I live just outside Vancouver .B.C in Maple Ridge.Is it possible to obtain one from you now, or should I wait until spring? How do you ship etc?
Thank you for any information
Reply #1 of 2 posted 28 FEB 04 by Anonymous-797
I just called there today and was informed that she closed the nursery down.. Have you tried Hortico, or Pickerings?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 17 MAR 05 by Unregistered Guest
I just called them this evening and indeed, they've closed down. I wonder where I can find "traviata" now.
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