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'R. kokanica' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2019)  
Rosa kokanica (Regel) Juz. in Kom., Fl. USSR. 10: 476. 1941. Ziel. in Rech. f., Fl. Iran. 152: 9. 1982, Cuizhi & K. R. Robertson l. c. 351.Jerzy Zieliński
Herbarium, Institute of Dendrology, PL-62-035, Kórnik (near Poznań), Poland.
Rosa divina Sumn.
Rosa ovczinnikovii Koczk.
Rosa platycantha var. kokanica Regel

Shrub up to 1, 5(-2) m. Young branches brown, glabrous to densely pubescent. Prickles irregularly se t on the stem, light brown, straight or curved, often declining, gradually dilated at base, sometimes mixed with small acicles and stalked glads. Leaflets 5-7(-9), up to 15(-20) mm long, variable, (broadly) elliptic or obovate, rarely orbicular or oblanceolate, subacute, rounded or tru ncate at apex, usually pubescent beneath, glandular on both sides or only below, rarely smooth. Stipules narrow, with divergent auricles. Flowering branchlets glabrous to densely pubescent, sometimes with stalked glands. Flowers normally solitary and without bracts, petals yellow up to 15 mm long. Pedicels smooth or with stalked glands, rarely hispid, sometimes pubescent. Sepals not dilated at apex, entire, rarely with 2-3 minute lobes in the upper part, ascending or patent in fruit, persistent. Styles densely pubscent, forming large, compact head. Orifice wide. Fruit up to 15 mm in diameter, globose or pyriform, violet-brown wh en mature.

Type: Described from Central Asia (LE).
B-8 Kashmir, Baltit Hunza, Gilgit, 8000 ft, R. R. Stewart s.n. (RAW), C-10 Dras Ladak, 3100 m, S. Billier & J. Leonard 6896 (KUH) – form with hairy stems, E-4 Baluchistan: Ziarat, M. A. Siddiqi 2046 (RAW).
Ditribution: Central Asia, Afghanistan.

The nomenclature of Rosa kokanica is not fully clear and for this reason in some central-Asiatic floras the names Rosa divina Sumnev. or Rosa sumneviczii Korotkova are often used for this species. Forms of Rosa kokanica with densely pubescent and ± glandular young stems are separated as Rosa ovczinnikovii Koczk. From my observation, however, it appears that the indumentum characters as glands and hairs in the genus Rosa are generally ‘weak’, facultative. They occur with different frequency in different, not related species.
Book  (May 2003)  
Rosa kokanica (Regel) Regel ex Juzepczuk. Small shrub 1.5 - 2m tall; flowering branches dense with prickles, intermixed with glandular hairs on young branches; rachis and petiole with short bristles; blooms white or yellow; leaflets 5-7(-9),..leaf surface glandular or pubescent, margin acutely doubly serrate, teeth often glandular; dark purple or dark brown hip almost round, flowers solitary. Native to southwestern Asia - Iran, Afganistan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan.
Website/Catalog  (2003)  
\Tajikistan\Landscapes & Ecosystems
Turkestan Region: 1200-1900 m Ephemeral savannoids. Elytrigia tricophora, Codonocephalum grande, Scablosa soongarica) and woodland-shrub phryganoids (Rosa kokanica, Caragana alaica)
Gissar-Darvaz Region: 1200-1800 m. Arboreal-shrub vegetation. Juglans regla, Acer turkestanicum, Malus sieversii, Platanus orientalis, Juniperus seravschanica, Rosa kokanica).
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 357-358.  
Kokand Rose (Rosa kokanica (Regel) Regel et Juz.). This species grows on stony slopes, along the banks of mountain rivers, and in shrublands. It is a xerophytic shrub with erect branches 1.5 to 2 m high, with red-brown bark and straight thorns that are small and slightly flattened at the base. Compound leaves with seven to nine elliptical or obovate leaflets are pubescent on both sides and thickly covered by short, stalked glandules. Yellow flowers are 1 to 2 cm long, with 4 cm pedicels. Spherical, dark-brown, almost black fruits have divaricate sepals.
Article (magazine)  (2002)  Page(s) 355.  
R. kokanica (Kokand rose). Distribution: Talasskei Alatau, Karatau. Use: Ornamental plant; easily cultured.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 14.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa kokanica (Regel) Regel ex Juz. (R. xanthina var. kokanica (Regel) Boul.) A suckering shrub up to 2 m, with reddish pubescent young twigs. Leaflets 5-7, aromatic, glandular beneath and on the margins. Flowers around 5 cm across; petals soon curling back. Sepals not leafy at their apex. Hips brownish. Found on rocky slopes and stony places in Afghanistan, and in central Asia, in the Pamir Alai and Tien Shan at 900-2800m....Flowers from May to July according to altitude. This species was introduced into cultivation by Jelena de Belder. It grows well, but is often defoliated by blackspot and does not flower after a cool summer, even in a hot dry position in full sun.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 195-196.  
Endemische Wildrosenarten der Flora der UdSSR, die für den Zierpflanzenanbau Bedeutung erlangen könnten...
Sektion Pimpinellifoliae DC.
R. kokanica Rgl.
in Fl. URSS, 10 (1941) 476; in Acta Hort. Petropol., V (1878) 313.
(R. xanthina var. kokanica Bouleng., R. sumneviczii Korot.)
Büsche: 1,5 bis 2 m hoch, mit langen, weitverzweigten Trieben. Rinde an alten Zweigen violett-braun, stellenweise grau, an jungen Trieben rötlich braun. Stacheln an den Haupttrieben einheitlich, 0,7 bis 0,8 cm lang, schwach abgeplattet, gerade, schwacg nach unten gebogen, an der Basis polsterartig, an Jungtrieben ähnlich, nur kleiner, 0,3 bis 0,5 cm lang, mit einem Gemisch von konischen und nadelartigen kleinen Stacheln besetzt.
Blätter: 7 bis 9 Blättchen; Blättchen elliptisch oder umgekehrt eiförmig, 0,8 bis 1,7 (2,0) cm lang und 0,6 bis 1,3 (1,5) cm breit, beide Seiten dünn behaart und mit kurzen stielartigen Drüsen besetzt, Oberseite wird kahl (Behaarung auf der Mittelader), weniger drüsig, am Rand 7 bis 12 spitze doppelt gesägte und drüsige Zähnchen. Blattstiele behaart, drüsig und stachlig.
Blüten: 1 bis 2 auf kurzen Blütenstielen, bis 4 cm Länge; Kelchblätter 0,9 bis 1,5 cm lang, im oberen Teil gefiedert aund aufbeiden Seiten behaart, aussen drüsig, fallen an den grünen Früchten nicht ab, sind nach oben gerichtet; kugelförmig, 1,0 bis 1,5 cm breit, fast schwarz, kahl.
An Hängen der mittleren Gebirgsregion.
Verbreitungsgebiet: UdSSR - Mittelasien: westliches Tienschan, Pamiro-Alai, Bezirke Taschkent, Namangan, Fergana, Samarkand, Kaschkadar und Surchan Dar.
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 354-355.  
R.kokanica Rgl. in sched. — R. platyacantha b kokanica Rgl. p.p. et variabilis Rgl. in A. H. P. V, f . II, (l878) 313. - R. xanthina var. kokanica Bouleng. in Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat, Bruxelles XIII (1935) 182. — R. lutea auct. fl. turkest. saltem pro max. part., non Mill.
Shrub, small or medium-sized, with red-brown or brown-violet bark and long, erect branches; prickles on turions abundant, dense, of uniform length, firm, erect or lightly curved upward, markedly flattened, strongly and abruptly broadened at base, brown-violet, on branches smaller and weaker, less flattened, nearly conical, sometimes mixed with isolated acicular,prickles; leaves 2.5—6 cm long, with 7—9 leaflets; leaflets generally small, 8—15 mm long, elliptic or obovate, with orbicular or cuneate base, often orbicular at apex, with remotely appressed hairs above or glabrous towards tip, eglandulose or with few glands, frequently entire surface more or less pubescent beneath with more or less abundant short-stalked greenishandblackishbrown glands, acute, glandular biserrate -bidentate, with 7—12 teeth on each side; petioles more or less (sometimes very densely) pubescent, covered with short-stalked glands, and few short pricklets; stipules narrow, pubescent, with divergent auricles, margin glandular. Flowers solitary, sometimes 2; pedicels long, 1—3 cm, glabrous or densely pubescent, smooth or remotely glandular -hispid; hypanthia globose or flattened, globose, often glandular-hispid, becoming short-prickly (often with only few bristles or pricklets); sepals nearly as long as petals, 8—15 mm long, pubescent on both sides, outer sepals also with more or less abundant stalked glands, entire or with several short distal linear pinnules, with long -stalked glands at margins; corolla small, 2—4 cm in diameter; petals pale yellow; styles free, densely lanate like their heads; fruit globose, dark brown or nearly black; sepals long persistent, spreading or directed upward (but not converging). June— August.
Mountain slopes. — Centr. Asia: T. Sh., Pam.-Al. Gen. distr.: unclear, because confused with the preceding species [R. ecae]; probably Iran and Afghanistan, Jap. -Ch.? (Rehder et Wilson, cf. Bouleng,, I.e.). Described from Central Asia. Type in Leningrad.
Note. A little -known problematic form, perhaps a hybrid: R.kokanica Rgl. X R. platyacantha Schrenk?
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