'Tina Turner' rose Reviews & Comments
Why does the description page claim this rose is strongly scented? The is only one reference, which doesn't mention scent. There are no mentions of it in the member comments, and no member ratings.
Both parents have little scent.
#1 of 2 posted
12 MAR 17 by
The reference from "Modern Roses" is abbreviated for copyright reasons. It actually states moderate fragrance. Many of the roses added in early stages of HMF have only rudimentary descriptions as it was probably a question of depth of content vs. number of items. In the case of new roses where there are no references, the descriptions are usually based on the listings of nurseries. Colours and scents of parents are not a sure guide for the offspring. Rose inheritance is still often mysterious, with a lot of trial and error.
Ok, fair enough if that reference does say it's scented. I realise inheritance is a bit of a lucky dip. And one person's moderate can easily be another person's strong.
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
Unregistered Guest
Can I buy the Tina Turner Rose in the U.S.A if not can it be imported from the U.K?
#1 of 2 posted
11 OCT 03 by
Unregistered Guest
C & K Jones Roses in Tarvin, Chester supply this rose and their catalogue indicates that they are prepared to export outside of Europe, but at a cost that may be prohibitive. E-MNail them for details at E.keith@ckjones.freeserve.co.uk
Perhaps, in view of the ladies continuing and considerable popularity, an american nursery would be prepared to abtain propogating material.
The rose can be purchased in the US now. Check out the "BUY FROM " tab: EURO-DESERT ROSES