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'Fluffy Ruffles' rose References
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 118.  
Fluffy Ruffles. F. (H&S; int. Dreer, '35.) Miss Rowena Thom X seedling. Semi-dbl., cupped, slightly fragrant, silver-pink, reverse deeper rose; cluster. Fol. leathery. Vig.
Magazine  (Jun 1948)  Page(s) 2. trimester, p. 18, 25.  
p. 18: Fuffy Ruffles, croisement de Miss Rovena Thom par un semis n° 72, est selon toute probabilité, par son apparence, dans la classe Polyantha X Hybride de thé.

p. 25: Variétés qui ne peuve être classifiées par suite de l'insuffisance d'indications sur leur parentage Fleurs en corymbes....
Fuffly Ruffles, Miss Rowena Thom X Semis 72; Corymbes, floraison continuelle
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 193.  
Proof of the Pudding
Fluffy Ruffles P.Pink (Howard & Smith, '35). A.R.A. '35, '36, '37, '38.
Rankin Ohio (1 pl., 3 yr.) calls it good.  At Breeze Hill it is a fairly good Polyantha but we cannot enthuse over it. 
Book  (1938)  Page(s) 190.  
Proof of the Pudding
Fluffy Ruffles .....
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 29.  
Fluffy Ruffles  Clear soft satiny pink carried on good stems. The growth is very robust. A prolific bloomer. It is one of our hardiest free flowering roses.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 634.  
Ruffles, Fluffy (HT) Howard & Smith 1935; Miss Row. Thom X ? seedling; silvery pink, reverse darker, large, semi-double, cup form, lasting, in 3-6s, fragrance 3/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Book  (1935)  Page(s) 182.  
Proof of the Oudding. 
Fluffy Ruffles. HT. (Howard & Smith 1935). A.R.A. 1935  A dwarf garden rose with flowers in clusters similar to the Australian climber Daydream, according to McGiness (Pa.). Wiseman (Ill.) believes it will please everybody on account of its stiff, ruffled petals which hang on for a long time. At Breeze Hill it was an excellent plant with clusters of flowers a little larger than those of Else Poulsen. It was pretty and floriferous. 
Book  (1935)  Page(s) 209.  
New Roses of the World.
Fluffy Ruffles  HT.(Howard & Smith, intro by Henry A. Dreer, 1935). Miss Rowena Thom x Seedling No. 72.  Bud ovoid; flower semi-double, cupped,  very lasting, slightly fragrant, silver-pink, with deeper rose reverse, in cluster on long stem. Foliage leathery.   Vigorous (3 ft.), upright, profuse, continuous bloomer. 
Book  Page(s) 188.  
Proof of the Pudding
Fluffy Ruffles .....
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