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'Ville d'Angers' rose References
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 13.  
VILLE D'ANGERS (Delaunay 1934). Rouge groseille unicolore, fleur en coupe.  VH [grande végétation].
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 417.  
Ville d'Angers. HT. (Delaunay, '34.) Souv. de Georges Pernet X Souv. de Claudius Denoyel. Bud long pointed; fl. large, semi-dbl., cupped, pure currant-red. Fol. leathery, dark. Vig., bushy.
Website/Catalog  (1946)  Page(s) 25.  
VILLE D'ANGERS (Delaunay 1934) Fleur isolée en coupe, rouge groseille unicolore, feuillage résistant, variété très vigoureuse et florifère. 
Book  (1941)  Page(s) 39.  
p39.  Alister Clark. The Roses in My Garden the new French Rose, Ville D'Angers, we have another very large variety, and it is to be hoped that nothing bigger will appear; fine Rose as it is, its colour is not as bright as hoped for. However, it is a great seeder, and surely should give us some fine Roses. The chrysanthemum has become too large, also the dahlia; may Roses escape that fate.

p79.  John Poulsen, NZ.  South Island Roses
Ville d'Angers is a splendid grower, producing very large blooms, but in this climate the colour is not quite right. I, unfortunately, had it growing near Christopher Stone and the colour was killed completely. Grown by itself it is quite passable, but it is too light for a red and too deep for a pink. Associated with yellows or apricots it is quite good.
Book  (1940)  
p90.   John Poulsen, NZ. South Island Roses
Ville D'Angers. Very vigorous growth with good foliage. The flowers have been very large and semi-double, with huge petals opening rather loosely. During the first blooming the colour was inclined to bleach, but in the autumn it has been much better. It is a showy Rose and a fine, healthy doer.

p121. Mr. S. J. Bisdee.  Tasmanian Rose Notes. 
Ville D'Angers. A fine, strong growing thing, giving large semi-double blooms, magenta red in spring, deepening to cherry-red in the hotter weather. Holds its colour well.
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 19.  
Harry H. Hazlewood.  The New Roses of 1939. 
Third on the list is Ville d'Angers HT. (Delaunay, 1934) which, except for fragrance, might be likened to a red 'Mrs. Warren Lenon'. The petals are large and broad, and build up a shapely bloom which keeps its currant-red colour very well. The flowers are carried on long stems, while the growth is particularly vigorous and healthy. 
Website/Catalog  (1939)  Page(s) 42.  
New Roses 1939. Ville d'Angers (HT.  Delaunay 1934) Long pointed buds, opening to semi-double cupped flowers of pure currant red. The blooms are freely produced on long stems, while the growth is vigorous. 5/- each. 
Extra large shapely blooms keeping good colour. One of the best this year.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 26.  
Angers, Ville d' (HT) Delainay 1934; Sv. Cl. Pernet X Sv. Cl. Denoyel; red currant-red, large, semi-double, cup form, lasting, long stems, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 7/10, bushy, 60 cm.
Website/Catalog  (1935)  Page(s) 9.  
Nouveautés 1934....Ville d'Angers (H.T.) (F. Delaunay).- Fleur isolée, grande, en coupe, semi-double, rouge groseille unicolore.
Magazine  (Jul 1934)  Page(s) 128.  
La Société Française des Rosiéristes, « Les Amis des Roses », avait convoqué les membres du jury, le mercredi 30 mai, à la roseraie d’études au Parc de la Tête-d'Or, afin de désigner la plus belle rose de France 1934....Certificats de mérité attribués aux variétés suivantes :
Au rosier (n° 66 — 100 — H. T.), ayant obtenu 88 points, est nommé Ville d'Angers, par l’obtenteur, M. F. Delaunay, pépiniériste, 100, route des Ponts de Cé, à Angers (Maine-et-Loire). Ce rosier est issu de Souvenir de Georges-Pernet x Souvenir de Claudius Denoyel. Bouton grand, pointu, de la couleur de la fleur. Fleur grande, en coupe, de bonne durée, odeur modérée, isolée sur pédoncule long, de grosseur normale, semi-double, rouge groseille unicolore. Feuillage normal, coriacé, vert foncé, grand et résistant aux maladies. Rameaux bruns à épines nombreuses pelites, croissances vigoureuses, port dégagé, buissonnant. Floraison juin à septembre. Résiste au froid. Hybride de thé.
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