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'Jules' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 55-388
most recent 28 JUN 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 JUN 11 by Organic Roses-Honeybee Garden
Please note, Jules is a wonderful rose in terms of vigor and winter hardiness, but I am hoping that HMF will change its fragrance rating right away. The reason is that rose gardeners who really want fragrant roses will be extremely disappointed. The rose has zero scent. And even worse, on warm days it has the scent of a plastic storage tub from Walmart. It was for this reason that I will not be keeping Jules next year.

The strength of Jules is that it is a prolific bloomer, fast grower, and the reds remain a true and deep red. It is one of the few climbers that can climb in my zone 5b garden and stay a vibrant green even in winter. Mine is own-root.

I am all organics and no-spray, and yes, Jules in my BS-pressure zone will defoliate severely, but the blooms are consistently massive and heavy and it loves sending up brand new basals during the defoliation periods.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 23 JUN 11 by Palustris
Just because you can't discern fragrance in any one particular rose does not mean that it isn't fragrant to others. Each of us has a different sense of smell. I can't smell the "tea" rose scent and my wife can't smell the "damask" rose scent.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 23 JUN 11 by Organic Roses-Honeybee Garden
No, for sure this rose does not have scent. If it said little scent or moderate scent I would not have put this comment so firmly...Strong fragrance is very evident. Many roses that I have are considered not always fragrant to some people like Climbing America and Fourth of July. These "borderline roses" I have always considered very fragrant. I can smell teas really well, unlike some people for example. If you own this rose you will know that it is indeed non-fragranced. I have a very sensitive nose and can tell very subtle nuances between roses.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 24 JUN 11 by RoseBlush
Dear Anonymous-671194.......

I changed the FRAGRANCE to "opinions vary".

Reply #4 of 7 posted 24 JUN 11 by HMF Admin
This is where HMF can shine.

Please, if you have experience with this rose please take this opportunity to share it with us.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 24 JUN 11 by Organic Roses-Honeybee Garden
Lyn and Admin, I have a really nice gardener friend named Cyndy. She is in zone 7 and has Jules and she did tell me that she didn't remember any scent on it either, but I will try to ask her to do one last scent test for us to re-verify. She's got about 87 or so roses, lol! and has a super busy schedule. But hopefully she can find some time to re-confirm. For people who have a real passion for fragrant roses, they really need to know about the fragrance issue that way we can finally remove the word strong and simply have "opinions vary" (which is a great idea, Lyn),

Cyndy loves the vigor of this rose. I actually have a full bush shot of Jules. One with it in in May when it looked really nice, and one in June with it almost completely defoliated save for the top leaves yet having some huge new basals coming up from the base....but I didn't want to scare anyone away from Jules, because it's important to support individual nurseries. After all, most people spray, but both shots are good because they do show vigor and real life stages that Jules goes through in a no-spray garden and it also shows the maturity/age of my Jules....What photos should I put online?
Reply #6 of 7 posted 24 JUN 11 by HMF Admin
Dear anonymous,

First, it would be great if you would update your HMF membership to include a nick name in place of the system assigned "anonymous". It need not be your real name, anything is better than anonymous.

We've contacted Paul Jerabek's son and he kindly put us in touch with some individuals familiar with Paul's roses. Hopefully, we'll soon have some additional experience to draw upon.

Thanks for taking the time to share you experience with the HMF community - it's what HMF is all about.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 28 JUN 11 by HMF Admin
We have received further confirmation that the rose 'Jules' does not have a strong scent.

"At various times today I tried to pick up a fragrance from 'Jules' including the noon hour. It had a barely detectable fragrance, basically smelled fresh, possibly a light fragrance, essentially none. Other roses at the time including some Jerabek roses were very fragrant."
Discussion id : 6-687
most recent 24 JUL 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JUL 04 by Unregistered Guest
I purchased this climbing rose from Roses Unlimited in April of 2004. It went in the ground upon arrival next to our small greenhouse in front of one of our New Dawn climbers, already in the ground it's 4th Season. I bought it as I am always looking for red bloomed climbing roses with clean "No Spray" foliage. Took a chance and gave it a try. It has been in the ground for 3 months, and put on a lot of new growth. Some of the canes are 4-6 feet long already. I posted photos of the first bloom and the shrub. So far in the heat and humidity of Washington, DC., it has done excellent. There is no blackspot or mildew whatsoever, and I do not spray! The bloom has at least 60 (if not MORE) petals on it. Unreal. It has turned out to be a beautiful plant - I am very pleased with it's progress. Should bloom more this season, then next year REALLY take off. Always looking ahead, I cannot wait to see how it grows in it's 2nd season. It is planted with a South / South-East exposure and gets approx. 5-6 hours of full sun. I use Rose-Tone, Fish Emulsion, and occasional feedings of water soluable plant food and a good hardwood mulch. Hope this is helpful...
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