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'Red Nelly' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 72-129
most recent 23 JUN 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 3 JUN 13 by Patricia Routley
Photos of 'Single Cherry' seem to be the same as R. pimpinellifolia 'Rubra'.
Compare Celestialrose December 5, 2009 photo No. 137267 of 'Single Cherry'
with Jedmar's May 7, 2011 photo No. 181471 of 'R. pimpinellifolia 'Rubra' in Switzerland.

Has anyone grown them side by side?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 22 JUN 18 by Les Racines du Vent
I've been growing the two of them next to each other for two or three years (R. pimpinellifolia 'Rubra' is older) and so far I have noticed no difference at all. Nor in blooms neither in prickles or leaves or growth habit. I don't know if the two roses are the same but at least the two clones that i have are identical.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 23 JUN 18 by Patricia Routley
Thank you for the feedback. I've run it past Peter Boyd to see what he says.
Discussion id : 5-332
most recent 14 JUN 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
This looks a bit like a rose being sold in Australia under the name Rosa spinosissima "Single Cherry". Perhaps it is a variety or hybrid of spinosissima?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 JUN 13 by jcm
Spinosissimas and pimpinellifolias are the same thing. I love this rose.
Discussion id : 46-522
most recent 6 JUL 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JUL 10 by wernersen
Red Nelly seems not to able to transmit its intens color as a pollen parent. I´ve got a R.spin x Red Nelly and a R. hug. x Red Nelly, both show only a pale pink mottling in an otherwise maternal colored flower.
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