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"Riscle Pink Noisette" rose References
Newsletter  (Apr 2014)  Page(s) 18, 19(photo), 21.  Includes photo(s).
p18. John Hook. France. What Is The Next Step?
Another rose I discovered growing out of a hedge bordering a farm was “Le Parré Noisette”. I asked the owners of the farm if they knew the history of the rose, and was excited to hear that it had been in their family for more than 120 years. I later found the same rose in an overgrown village property (“Riscle Pink Noisette”).

p20 Belle de Bordeaux…….. A Tea-Noisette introduced by Lartay (Bordeaux 1861)
This is the found roses “Riscle Pink Noisette” and “Le Parré”
Newsletter  (Mar 2011)  Page(s) 12.  
[From "Teas and Noisettes in South West France", by John Hook]
Madame La Generale Paul de Benoist - A rose is in cultivation under this name but I am dubious that it is correct. According to the Rosenlexikon this rose is salmon, center aurora-pink, edges shaded cream, very large, very double, buds shaded violet, climbing habit. ‘Le Parré Dijon Noisette’, matches these descriptions. I received this rose from a family that had been reproducing it for more than 100 years. I haven’t seen it rebloom yet, but the owners have assured me that it is remontant.

Gloire de Bordeaux - This rose was described as a silvery pink climber with Bourbon tendencies. One of the roses we have found close by, ‘Riscle pink’ is a vigorous climber having Bourbon characteristics but with a Tea scent.
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