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'BEAjoker' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 106-957
most recent 15 DEC 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 DEC 17 by NikosR
This rose was introduced 2017 by Peter Beales nursery and ,most probably, was not bred by Peter Beales himself. This is in reference to the 'bred by' field in your entry.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 14 DEC 17 by Patricia Routley
As you say, most probably, was not bred by Peter himself. But as the nursery says "unique to Peter Beales", for the moment, we will leave the breeder as is because if it was unique, it may have been bred by him. We've added the intro date. Thanks NikosR. Let us know if you find any new information.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 14 DEC 17 by Marlorena
I think it was bred by Beales as they have in recent years taken up breeding their own roses to compete with Austins. The breeders code for this rose is 'Beajoker', which tends to imply it was bred by Beales.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 15 DEC 17 by NikosR
(Hi Marlorena I'm 'nikthegreek')
BEAxx code has been used for breadings by the late Amanda Beales and maybe other Peter Beales Roses (the company) introductions. To my knowledge (and that of HMF database) it has not been used for any Peter Beales (the man) breedings. Let's not confuse the man with the nursery.

If this rose was bred before 2013 then it was most probably bred by Amanda Beales. I have no information about who, if any, is breeding Peter Beales Roses introductions since Amanda's death. My understanding is that the only current connecton of PBR to the Beales family, since Richard Beales left the company, is only Peter Beales' legacy. PBR is owned by 'corporate investors' now and was run by Ken March last time I checked. Unfortunately for old rose lovers they keep dropping more roses from their inventory every year because, quoting Mr. March, they need to be a viable business they cannot afford to be a museum..
Reply #6 of 6 posted 15 DEC 17 by Marlorena
Hi Nik, - I thought that might be you...

Just to say that I didn't mean to claim that Peter Beales [the man himself], bred the rose, but rather ''whoever does the breeding at his nursery'', as opposed to say breeders like Heather and Colin Horner, who've bred roses like 'Leah Tutu' 'Dunham Massey' and 'Gisela's Delight', all introduced by Beales but not bred by them.
Who can say with certainty if it was bred by Amanda herself, or not?... also released at the same time was 'Papworth's Pride', which has the code 'Beamelon', so presumably one could assume that was also bred by Amanda, although it's shown on HMF as bred by Peter Beales.

Incidentally, the 'Margaret Greville' rose was commissioned by the National Trust at Polesden Lacey, and they were given 3 roses from Beales nursery from which to choose to be named after Mrs Greville, and they chose this particular one. I don't know what happened to the other two, or who bred those. Well, one of the others was most likely what has been named 'Papworth's Pride' I suppose.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 15 DEC 17 by NikosR
If this rose was bred before 2013, it was most probably hybridized by Amanda Beales rather than Peter Beales. Amanda was the hybridizer responsible for many PBR introductions of recent years.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 15 DEC 17 by Patricia Routley
Peter died January 26, 2013. Amanda died August 12, 2013.
The point about the BEAxx code being used by Amanda (and not by Peter) certainly suggests it was bred by Amanda and so I have changed the breeder to Amanda.
Many thanks NikosR
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