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'Rosa pulchella Woods' rose References
Magazine  (1818)  Page(s) 196-197.  
[From "A Synopsis of the British Species of Rosa", by Joseph Woods, Esq. F.L.S. Read April 16 and June 4, 1816]
R. receptaculis obovatis, calycibus compositis, aculeis rectiusculis subæqualibus, petalis margine crenatis. 
Frutex 1½-2-pedalis. Rami subflexuosi, erecti, fusci, aculeati ; aculei subfalcati, graciles, subæquales, plerumque binato-stipulares. Petioli tomentosi, glandulosi, aculeisque gracilibus falcatis muniti. Stipulæ lineares, glanduloso-ciliatæ, pagina inferiore glandulosæ, ex floribus propiores latiores, sed bracteam perfectam nondun vidi. Foliola 5 v. 7, par superius et foliolum impar ceteris majora, elliptica, concava, duplicato-serrata, utrinque hirsuta, subtus glandulosa. Pedunculi pauci, setis inæqualibus obsiti, stipulas proximas superantes. Receptaculum obovatum, glabrum. Calycis foliola pinnata, petalis breviora, glandulosa. Flores concavi, petala saturate rubentia, margine glanduloso-crenata. Styli-Fructus : Has partes non potui satis examinare.

On limestone banks at Ingleton in Yorkshire.
Like the foregoing, this Rose seems to have been unnoticed by preceding authors. It is easily discriminated by its crenate petals from all other British Roses : but this character it may be difficult to determine in the Herbarium, as the petals of Roses are apt to fall off, and when preserved generally shrivel very much in drying. The shape of the receptacle and the shortness of the calyx-leafits appear also to be characters worthy of attention ; but I have seen too little of it to be able to point out the variations to which it is most subject. The size and habit of the plant, the shape of the receptacle and that of the leaflets, will distinguish this from the common Apple Rose of the gardens; a species with which it would be ridiculous to compare it, were it not for the singular circumstance of the crenate petals—a character which, as far as my knowledge extends, is not to be met with in any other species of this genus.
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