A garden in the Salt Lake Valley foothills
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June 15 2009, Salt Lake County
Emanuel with a couple of blooms of Constance Spry and Maggie mingling near the top of the photo.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 30 JAN 10 |
June 2008, 7 years in the garden, excellent repeat with pruning back to self supporting canes.
One of my favorites.
Salt Lake County
12 favorite votes.
Uploaded 28 MAY 09 |
Tradescant, June 9th 2009, Salt Lake
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 22 JUN 09 |
This is a cluster on one stem, June 25th 2004, Salt Lake
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 27 MAY 09 |
This is my orange area, June 2nd, 2009
Roses are Outrageous, Joseph's Coat behind the birdbath, and Pat Austin on the left.
Also Rocky Mountain penstemon, Johnson's Blue geranium, with golden hops in the background
11 favorite votes.
Uploaded 2 JUN 09 |
Salt Lake County 8/9/2005
Uploaded 8 MAY 09 |
Pat Austin, June 2008, Salt Lake County. This own root plant is not very vigorous, very little dieback, but stays about this size year after year.
Companions are agastache rupestris which starts blooming in August, 'Arp' rosemary, 'Indian Summer' rudbeckia, golden hops, with roses William Shakespeare 2000 and Jude the Obscure in the background.
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 2 JUN 09 |
Wafting classic rose fragrance when you step on to the porch- a highlight of the June garden
Salt Lake County 6/11/2008
30 favorite votes.
Uploaded 8 MAY 09 |
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