Hello, I am a Portuguese researcher currently working on a book about Portuguese roses. I came across your helpmefind page due to the listing of your rose "Papa João XXIII", which is a Portuguese rose and is long lost in our country. I would like to know if you mind sharing your photos of this rose with me, since I have the intent of publishing a book on the subject soon. The photo will be credited to you, of course.
Thank you in advance! Best regards,
Ana Castro
Hello Ana! Sure! No problem. JdR
Including your email address attracts spammers to this wonderful site. Would you delete your address from the message please. The best way to contact members, is through HelpMeFind's private messages facility.
Yes, you're right! thanks for the warning! JdR
Beautifull Garden!!! As I could see at Your Picasa Webalbum/Visit Their Website. A combination of Fruittrees, grass and roses; that is what I like!
Thank you for your kind words! JdR