Bob Bauer's Salt Lake City Rose Garden
Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Mon Feb 2025
Salt Lake City, Utah United States
801-596-0662 [Information] 801-596-0662 [Fax]
Right off the bat, let's get something perfectly straight, OK? Bob Bauer's photographs are copyrighted by him. So, if you want to use any of them, please contact him about that. (They are pretty awesome, aren't they? I especially like the one of 'Shocking Blue'. That's the one you see here.) Well, that's probably because Bob's a professional photographer. Who is also addicted to roses. He takes great photographs and he grows terrific roses. You'd think that would be enough, wouldn't you? Not for Bob. Nope. He's got a wild sense of humor, he's writing I-don't-know-how-many books, he's funny, he's smart... an upbeat, funny (did I tell you Bob is funny?), amazing kind of guy. And he grows roses. Wow.