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Beatrice Audetat
Discussion id : 100-344
most recent 5 JUN 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 1 JUN 17 by Eisrose
Guten Abend.
Wo und wie kann ich die New Wave für meinen Garten erhalten?
Wohne in Deutschland.
Danke sehr
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 JUN 17 by Puns 'n' Roses
Normalerweise geben Sie den Namen der Rose in das Suchfeld ein (search), und klicken dann auf "buy from". Dort erhalten Sie eine Liste der Händler. Im Falle von New Wave sind es aber nur zwei japanische Händler. Anonsten würde ich Ihnen einen Besuch in einer auf Rosen spezialisierten Baumschule empfehlen, es gibt zahlreiche lavendelfarbene duftende Rosen, die hierzulande erhältlich sind. Viel Erfolg.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 5 JUN 17 by Eisrose
Danke, aber ich warte auf die Antwort von Mitglied Beatrice Lukas. Wo ich andere lavendelfarbene kaufen kann weiß ich schon ;)
Da Frau Lukas aus Wien diese in Ihrem Garten hat, dachte ich, sie kann mir sagen wo sie diese bestellt hat.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 5 JUN 17 by Puns 'n' Roses
Ah, verstehe. Die Antwort wird sicherlich viele interessieren, denn es ist eine sehr schöne Rose.
Discussion id : 8-280
most recent 9 MAY 05 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 APR 05 by prologheidi
Hi! I am looking for a terra cotta rose bush (2, actually) to purchase. Do you have any ideas other than Meilland?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 6 MAY 05
* This post deleted by user *
Reply #2 of 4 posted 6 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
I found Terracotta at earlier this year, maybe it's still available.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 7 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
Thank you! I received another response that directed me to Krazy Charlie's and I got the roses in today! I appreciate your help!
Reply #4 of 4 posted 8 MAY 05 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Correction. Not Krazy Charlie but Krazy Keith's Garden Shed. He has it currehtly @$5. I've got my order today, all the roses are huge and plump.
Reply #5 of 4 posted 9 MAY 05 by Unregistered Guest
Right. Crazy Charlie is a shoe place -- sorry for the error! (Freudian slip? Maybe I need to go shopping!)
Discussion id : 4-946
most recent 18 DEC 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 DEC 03 by Unregistered Guest
hello, my name is shawn charton and i am looking for information about how to acquire a rosebush called laure charton. i tried to look around guillot's site, but my french is not that good and i am having a hard time understanding how to move around in the site. can you help me? where can i get a laure charton bush?

shawn charton
Reply #1 of 2 posted 15 JAN 04 by Anonymous-797
Hi Shawn,
This rose is not at he website of Guillot, but it is available there.
If this is a problem, could you write me an EMail? Maybe I can help you to get it.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 18 DEC 04 by Beatrice Audetat
Sorry I could not reach you.
Discussion id : 6-229
most recent 20 MAY 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 MAY 04 by barbara underwood
Your array of colors in your garden is spectacular! Did you take all the photos? they are very good. How large is your garden? I wowuld love to see it! I live in north Florida and with the heat, it is hard to keep the roses from getting too dry. I do try though. Thank you for sharing your garden.
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