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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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(1888)  Page(s) 4, no.1.  
Eine Auslese der besten Rosen seit dem Jahre 1855 von Jean Soupert, in Firma Soupert & Notting, Luxemburg.
Das Jahr 1860 auf 1861 war nicht so ergiebig an Neuheiten als 1860; in den Handel kamen blos 64 Sorten, worunter 4 Moosrosen, 2 öfterblühende Moosrosen, 2 öfterblühende Monatsoder Portland-Rosen, 9 Thea, 6 Bourbon, 41 öfterblühende Hybrid-Remontant-Rosen. Beachtenswert sind folgende:
9. Abd-el-Kader (Hybride, Verdier père & fils); Blume gross, beinahe gefüllt, Kolorit dunkel sammtig purpur mit feuerrot nüancirt, Centrum leuchtender.

Translation: A Selection of the Best Roses since 1855 by Jean Soupert of Soupert & Notting in Luxembourg.
The year from 1860 to 1861 did not produce as many novelties as did the previous season; only 64 varieties were introduced, of which there were 4 mosses, 2 repeat-flowering mosses, 2 remontant Portlands, 9 Teas, 6 Bourbons, and 41 Hybrid Remontant roses. The following are noteworthy:
9. Abd-el-Kader (Hybrid, Verdier pere & fils); the flower is large, almost full, colored a dark velvety purple with bright red nuances, brighter center.
(1899)  Page(s) 90.  
Abel Chatenay. (Eug. Verdier.) Vigorous shrub. Large, double, very fine form, bright currant-red.
(May 1905)  Page(s) 27.  
New Roses for 1905...Breeder: P. Lambert, Trier.
Abelle Weber-Paté (Polyantha). Very stocky habit, firm, beautiful foliage; very upright trusses, very floriferous and continuous bloom, snow-white (daisy form), lasting. (Thalia X Mlle Eug. Verdier.)
(Aug 1918)  Page(s) 48.  
Co. H. Kiese & Cie... A further crossing [of Druschki] with Juliet has light lemon-yellow blooms. Vigorous growth and great floriferousness is said to distinguish this sort. [not the rose bred by Ebeling]
(Aug 1918)  Page(s) 48.  
The Rose Novelty Show on occasion of the Board meeting [of the German Rose Society] in Frankfurt...
We had reported extensively about the new originations of Paul Ebeling, Bernburg, on occasion of last year's show...We can only repeat what we said on p.71 of last year's Nr. 4:...
Druschki X Juliet has a reddish yellow colouring, blended with pink. She has two rows of petals and is fragrant. A further sort from the same crossing is semi-double, rhododendron-formed blooms, carmine-pink. Both sorts are of short but vigorous, uniform growth and very floriferous; they can find good use as park roses or for borders.
(1918)  Page(s) 8.  
I want to mention some of these long-lasting hybrid perpetuals....Abraham Lincoln....
(1918)  Page(s) 8.  
I want to mention some of these long-lasting hybrid perpetuals....Abraham Zimmermann....
(1886)  Page(s) 100.  
...I am allowing myself to send to the editors a listing of rose synonyms which I have prepared 1 1/2 years ago and which was published last year in "Ogradnik Polsko", the paper of the Warsaw Horticulture....E. Durst, Warsaw...
Adam - President, Tea.
(May 1905)  Page(s) 26.  
New Roses for 1905...Breeder: Nikolaus Rommel, Bernheim.
Adam Rackles (Hybrid Tea). Sport of Caroline Testout. Very large, double, pink on white base, striped and streaked like calico, most magnificent appearance among Roses.
(1888)  Page(s) 3, no.1.  
Eine Auslese der besten Rosen seit dem Jahre 1855 von Jean Soupert, in Firma Soupert & Notting, Luxemburg.
Im Herbste 1857 auf 1858 waren 67 Sorten erschienen und empfehlen wir nur folgende Sorten:
3. Adelaïde Pavie (Noisette, Robert — Mme. Deslongchamps); überaus schön imbriquirt gebaut, Centrum rosa in rein weiss übergehend.

Translation: A Selection of the Best Roses since 1855 by Jean Soupert of Soupert & Notting in Luxembourg.
From the autumn of 1857 to 1858, 67 varieties were released and we recommend only the following sorts::
3. Adelaïde Pavie (Noisette, Robert — Mme. Deslongchamps); very beautiful imbricated form, center pink changing to pure white.
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