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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener and Home Farmer (1878-1904)
(26 Jul 1877)  Page(s) 67.  
G. Abbey: Hybrid Perpetuals: rose and pink: 'Abel Grand'.
(2 Aug 1877)  Page(s) 92.  
W. G., Gardener, Lynwood, Hants: Mr. Hinton is quite right in saying that Rose 'Abel Grand' does well on its own roots. It has with me....
(1888)  Page(s) 151.  
In New French Roses of 1887-88 - Pernet, Père - Hybrid Perpetuals
Albert la Blotais Flowers globular, nearly full, bright red, passing to crimson.
(14 Aug 1879)  Page(s) 132.  
"Bank Holiday at Cheshunt."
Our first point was a fine batch of the newly introduced Roses, amongst which Alfred K. Williams stands pre-eminent. It is a good grower, with large bright red flowers of good substance and fine shape, something like Horace Vernet, but a more vigorous grower. It appeared to me to be the best Rose of its year, an opinion in which I was glad to find both Mr. Paul and his foreman concurred.
(17 Dec 1885)  Page(s) 588.  
Hybrid Perpetuals. -- Eugène Verdier Fils Aîne.
Amiral de Joinville. -- Flower large and well formed; colour deep red shaded with purple; very sweet-scented.
(1895)  Page(s) 254.  
André Sibourg (Reboal) A large globular flower, very double, salmon rose colour, base of petals, the yellow shading off to silvery white; very free flowering and sweet scented.
(1888)  Page(s) 107.  
In New French Roses of 1887-88 - Nabonnand - Teas and Noisettes
Baronne de Hoffmann N. Flowers shaded coppery red, base yellow; a rampant grower.
(1880)  Page(s) 328.  
The October number of the Journal des Roses contains a plate and description of the fine old rose Baronne Prevost, accompanied by the following history: - "The little village of Yebles, in the Canton of Mormant (Seine et Marne), is the birthplace of the rose Baronne Prevost, where it was raised by the celebrated Desprez, who dedicated it to the sister of his friend M. Guenon, the great raiser of Dahlias at Voisenon, near Melun. On the 27th Day of July 1841, M. Desprez disposed of this valuable acquisition to M. Cochet, sen., for 100 francs, and it was sent out by the latter in the autumn of 1821."
(20 Nov 1902)  Page(s) 473.  
Mr. B. E. Cant has of late years devoted a great deal of time and consideration to the hybridising and crossing of Roses. His efforts in this direction are also crowned with good results, for at the exhibition held at Richmond on June 26, 1901, his firm secured a Gold Medal for a new Hybrid Perpetual Rose, named Ben Cant- a variety of splendid form, substance, and crimson colour; and again on July 4, 1901, at the N.R.S. Temple Show, a Gold Medal for the new seedling Tea, Mrs. B. R. Cant.
(1887)  Page(s) 522.  
One has dark rough foliage and neat white blooms, occasionally slightly tinted with pink in the centre, but the majority came pure white, and the branches are crowded with flowers as closely as they can be produced. One beautiful branch arching across the porch is a natural wreath of pure flowers; they are, however, of little use for cutting except in the bud stage. An eminent rosarian has determined this to be a variety of Rosa alba, known as Blanche Belgique, and evidently of continental origin.
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