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Hortus Eystettensis
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 5.  
Rosa praecox spinosa flore albo. Fragrant foliage, similar to that of Sanguisorba pimpinella...Description in German. Weisz früröslein [white early rose].
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 5.  
Rosa cinnamomea floribus plenis. Description in Latin. in German. Doppelte rothe Zimmetrosen.
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, tab. 1.  
[Double Musk rose forms frontispiece as the prize rose of the collection]
Rosa Damascena flore pleno albo. Prizeworthy attractiveness & agreeable fragrance, beyond all other blooms, at the same time old and recent, lauded by religious and secular Rose occupied public desire moving them to a discriminating search for it, as the eminent Theophrastus and Plinius, numerous, fierce, smooth, coloured, fragrant petals & estimated in its place of birth. We believe that the Damascena is the most fragrant we have seen. Height of the stem is two cubits [35 inches], well-branched, armed with purprlish, hooked prickles: foliage similat to common roses, oblong & a little smaller, moderately serrated, solitary ribs, five to seven, equal,...united, upper part green, below whitish, ....blooms of multiple white petals, together in conglomerations, sweet Musk fragrance, seeds and roots different than the common classes.
Dodon. textu. Lobel.Obs.618.Adv.446.fol. Lugdunens.425. Hort.Med.Cam. 144.fol. textu. in German Gefüllt Bisen oder Muschate / auch Damascenerröslein. Tabern.787.lib.3. Matth.Cam.Germ.55.fol.intextu. Durant.852.
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 3.  
Rosa Milesia rubra flore pleno. [on oplate: Rosa Milesia flore rubro pleno]. ..Bright colour...common name Rosa Fina. in German. doppelt gefüllte gesampte Rosen [double velvety roses]
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 2.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa lutea, seu flava, maxima, flore pleno. Foliage, which is verdant, small, no fragrance, stems with few prickles, numerous blooms with reliably numerous petals, yellowish & coming forth at over hundred, pleasing shoots, ...of nearest size, up disintegrate. Clus. Appendic.alt.f.I.later.2. Curis posteriorib.6.&7.f. in German.Gross doppelte oder gefüllte gelbe Rosen.
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 6.  
Rosa Eglenteria, Eglenterium Gallorum Ruellii. Spina Mariae.....Description in Latin. in German. Fremd Pimpernellenrosen. Eglantier Rosen genannt [Foreign pimpernell roses, called Eglantier roses]. ...Dodon.186.187.&c.fol. Coesalpin.lib.3.cap.10.fol.95. Clus.113.114.115.&c.fol. Lobel.618.Obs.Adv.446. Lugdun.124.125.126.fol.&c. Epit.Matth.Cam.98.99.fol. Hort.Med.Cam.143.144.145.&c. Matth.C.Bauh.166. In german. Fuchs.255.cap. Tabern.786.787.&c.lib.secundo. Cam.Matth.Germ.55.fol. Cast.Durant.853.fol.
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, tab. 6.  
Rosa Milesia flore simplici rubro. Rosa Fina. Description in Latin..used for medicine. in German. Rothe einfache Gefeine Rosen [Red single fine rose].
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 4.  
Rosa Damascena flore simplici ...bright & somewhat inclined to pink observes Camerarius. Supposed to be Nesrin or Nefrin by Avicenna & Serapionis. Foliage rather pointed, in other respects as the aforementioned. In German. Einfache Damascenerröslein [single Damask rose].
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 3.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa alba flore simplici. German. Weisse einfache Rosen.
(1613)  Page(s) Sect. 6, Tab 3.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa flore albo albo German. Weisz gefüllte Rosen.
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