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Queensland Rose Bulletin
(Mar 2010)  Page(s) Vol 3, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
p2 Len Johnstone. ….or other miniatures by my great mate Eric Welsh…..
Photo. Caption by Paul Hains: Honeybee, an unregistered mini-flora that Len’s daughter was given by Eric Welsh

p4 9-91-14. Moonstone x Honeybee. Another [Paul Hains] seedling from Eric Welsh’s unregistered seedling. This is a miniature yellow 'Moonstone' with a delicate pink edge. The foliage is light green and so far showing disease resistance. It strikes easily from cuttings.
(Mar 2010)  Page(s) 3.  Includes photo(s).
Fair. Jane McGrath' We don’t have this one but take feedback from other growers in Queensland. As a sport of Bonica it has very similar growth and flowers although growers here claim Bonica to be the better plant
(Mar 2010)  Page(s) Vol 3, No. 3.  
p4. 9-91-14. Moonstone x Honeybee. Another [Paul Hains] seedling from Eric Welsh’s unregistered seedling. This is a miniature yellow 'Moonstone' with a delicate pink edge. The foliage is light green and so far showing disease resistance. It strikes easily from cuttings.
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