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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Mechanism of Creative Evolution
The tetraploid "acicularis nipponensis" of Willmott (non Crép.) found in the Kew collection is a subspecies of R. pendulina L., which is DDEE, while the original diploid R. acicularis nipponensis of Crépin is a subspecies of R. rugosa Thunb., which is CC.
....AA septet species R. arvensis Huds. with 7 bivalent chromosomes in pollen mother cell...
...CC septet species R. coruscans Waitz. with 7 bivalents in pollen mother cell....
...EE septet species R. macrophylla Doncasteri with 7 bivalents in pollen mother cell.
... BB septet species R. Webbiana Wall, with 7 bivalents in emryo-sac mother cell....
...DD septet species R. Fendleri Crep. end of pollen mother cell divisions, showing the reduced number of chromosomes, 7 at each pole...
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