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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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House & Garden
(1925)  Page(s) 47: 18.  Includes photo(s).
'Bloomfield Comet'....discussion
(1925)  Page(s) 74.  
New Race of Roses. The author, who was the creator of this family, describes his new hardy climbers...., a rose which won the gold medal of the Portland Rose Society in 1922...
(1929)  Page(s) 55: 140.  
How Roses Come By Their Names.
Again, one day the owner of a large English Rose nursery asked his superintendent, Charles P. Kilham, in charge of hybridization, to point out which he thought to be the best of the many seedlings in process of testing. After the most worthy Rose had been selected, the owner said, "Kilham, in recognition of your many services to the firm, we will name this Rose for you."
(1933)  Page(s) 44.  
The reddish-orange and bronze Eugenie Lamesch and Leonie Lamesch with bright coppery buds and flowers shaded with yellow are very unusual. They are very striking with yellow and coppery varieties. It is a pity they are now so difficult to obtain.
(Jul 1930)  Page(s) 170.  
For the Rose Garden Beginner
Bengal (Chinese) Roses
Frau Dr. Schricker (new)—A most beautiful bedding Rose, profuse bloomer, with old Rose perfume. Color old rosy pink. An excellent bedder. May not be available till fall.
(Jun 1932)  Page(s) 41.  
...[O]f the 168 novelties reported by the American Rose Society Annual we find the following really worthwhile; the rest have already fallen by the wayside or are fast headed for the discard:
Frau Dr. Schricker, a very beautiful self-pink heavily perfumed.
(1915)  Page(s) 36.  
Fraulein Octavia Hesse and Gloire de Dijon are lusty climbers and especially to be commended for this purpose
(1933)  Page(s) 44.  
The reddish-orange and bronze Eugenie Lamesch and Leonie Lamesch with bright coppery buds and flowers shaded with yellow are very unusual. They are very striking with yellow and coppery varieties. It is a pity they are now so difficult to obtain.
(Jun 1929)  Page(s) 90-91, 194, 206, 208.  
[From "The Renaissance of the Hybrid Perpetual" by J. H. Nocolas]
The same pillar treatment may be applied to some hybrids of Rugosa, so hybridized that the Rugosa features are much obliterated and the Hybrid Perpetual characters have become predominant: Conrad F. Meyer, Nova Zembla, Turke's Samling, Nemo, Mme. Julien Potin, Ruskin, etc.
(1945)  Page(s) 160.  
A new rose Peace , introduced by the Conard - Pyle Company of West Grove , Pennsylvania , and only winner in this year's AllAmerica Rose Selections trials , made its debut just as the San Francisco World Conference opened .
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