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Hybrid Rugosa Roses, catalog, The Northwest Nursery, Valley City, N. Dakota
(1927)  Page(s) [1].  Includes photo(s).
Amelie Gravereaux (Pronounced Grave-ro). Carmine red- full double- very fragrant.  One of the new and one of the very choicest of the Rugosa Hybrids.  The flowers open as a rich carmine red which turns to deep American Beauty color as they mature.  The large flowers are unusually beautiful in the partially opened bud.  The Amelie Gravereaux has a delightful fragrance.  It is a liberal bloomer, often carrying a dozen blooms within eight weeks after planting.  It blooms liberally in June but even more so in August and September.  This is a hardy and thrifty bush of beautiful foliage which makes a real attraction as a shrub.  We consider this new creation a rose “par excellence’’ that is rapidly winning favor throughout the country.  Dr. J. P. Aylen, a recognized rose enthusiast, of Fargo, N. D., writes: “Impossible to relate all the good points of my Amelie Gravereaux rose in a letter of few lines.  Planted in 1919, it is now a large bush which blooms from June until frost with hundreds of blossoms.  It certainly outranks all other hardy roses I know.  I have 41 varieties but they are mostly Hybrid teas and perpetuals.  My Amelie Gravereaux has been for several years the wonder of this community and hundreds of people visited it during the season.”
(1927)  Page(s) [3].  Includes photo(s).
"Eskimo Beauties"
Belle Poitevine  Bright rose pink, full double flowers borne in loose clusters.  This excellent rose is one of the most satisfactory of the Rugosa family.  Belle Poitevine is an extremely prolific bloomer, starting in June and blooming continuously through the summer until fall.  Owing to its habit of forming strong basal branches, it produces one of the most dense and attractive shrubs of the entire rose family.  It is ideal for hedge purposes and equally valuable for specimen plants and foundation groups.  This rose is extremely hardy and requires no winter protection anywhere in the United States and it is therefore the pink member of the group of Eskimo Beauties.
(1927)  Page(s) [3].  Includes photo(s).
Blanc de Coubert [sic]  Snow white, blooms in large clusters, double, fragrant.  The Blanc de Coubert rose is undoubtedly one of the finest white Rugosa Hybrids that has been produced.  It is a prolific bloomer, blooming heavily throughout the summer and fall.  The foliage is a dark glossy green color that is used very effectively in hedges.  It responds quickly to trimming by producing a quantity of new buds.  The type of bush and foliage is almost identical with Hansa and makes a splendid companion plant for that variety.  It is ideal for trimming up to standard tree form.  Like the other Rugosas it needs vigorous pruning.  If pruned back sharply in the spring and mid-summer, it will keep a rich healthy foliage and produce a wealth of flowers.  Like Hansa it is extremely hardy, will thrive in the coldest parts of America without winter protection and is the white member of the group of Eskimo Beauties.  This rose is especially pretty in half open bud.
(1927)  Page(s) [2].  Includes photo(s).
Conrad F. Meyer  Clear silvery pink, large flowers, very double, rich, fragrant.  This popular hybrid produces its flowers in long single stems rather than in clusters.  It is a continuous bloomer throughout the summer and fall.  The flower itself compares favorably with well known but tender garden varieties.  The Conrad Meyer is an extremely thrifty and vigorous grower.  It is especially well suited to a high shrub border or to be grown as a specimen plant.  One of the best known and most popular of the Hybrid Rugosas.
(1927)  Page(s) [2].  Includes photo(s).
Grootendorst  Bright orange red, flowers in clusters.  This rose has become a most popular novelty.  It combines in a unique way the valuable characteristics of its two parents, the Baby Rambler and the red Hybrid Rugosa.  It produces a wealth of small flowers similar to the Baby Rambler but in true Rugosa style bears them in clusters.  This rose has the green leathery foliage of the Rugosa roses.  Having inherited a continuous blooming habit from both parents, it is one of the most prolific and continues to bloom from June until frost.  The foliage is very attractive, stems growing to an even height averaging from three to four feet having a semi-dwarfish habit.  Few roses are so well adapted to landscape wrork in low mass planting.  The Grootendorst rose is sure to continue in popular favor.  It can be depended upon in all locations to be a healthy, vigorous and an attractive rose-shrub.
(1927)  Page(s) [3].  Includes photo(s).
"Eskimo Beauties"
Hansa  Deep violet red, extra large, perfectly double, very fragrant.  The Hansa is without doubt the most popular and the best seller of all the Rugosas.  In this fine variety, unlike most of its class, the buds of each cluster open at about the same time, giving the effect at a distance of a single rose of an immense size.  The foliage is a particularly dark, glossy, rich green color.  Hansa is often used very effectively in hedges.  When trimmed vigorously in mid-summer, it is sure to respond with a wealth of bloom.  It is also very effective when trimmed as the tree grows.  Its strong stem will balance a heavy head of branches.  The Hansa is attractive either for a rose or a first class shrub.  It will thrive without winter protection in the coldest spot of America and hence is a vigorous member of the group of Eskimo Beauties.
(1927)  Page(s) [2].  Includes photo(s).
Sir Thomas Lipton  Pure white, fragrant, perfectly double.  The Sir Thomas Lipton is very similar in style of bush to the Amelie Gravereaux and makes an excellent companion plant for that variety.  The flowers are borne in clusters which are especially attractive, half open buds and full blooms are found in every cluster.  It gives an amazing abundance of flowers throughout the early summer.  If given vigorous trimming in mid-summer, the same prolific bloom will follow through the late summer and fall.  This is a hardy and thrifty bush of beautiful foliage and is attractive either as a specimen or in mass planting.
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