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Rupert, Kim L.
Discussion id : 121-626
most recent 19 MAY 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 MAY 20 by Jeffrey
Hi, Kim!
I'm not sure if I got my I. X.L. rose cutting from you, but I think it was you.

This rose is absolutely gorgeous when it's in bloom. Mine is GIGANTIC if I allow the canes to grow unchecked. That's a plus, I have a fence I'm training the canes along. I'm going to add some new photos to the listing here. I have a question regarding pollen. Is it possible to store pollen for later use? I assume, keep it dry and cold, in a sealed container. Do you have any experience with this?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 18 MAY 20 by Kim Rupert
Hi Jeffrey! Yes sir, you did get your IXL from me. And, before I forget, that plant is virus indexed. It's been tested and it is not infected with any of the viruses which make up Prunus Necrotic Ringspot nor Rose Mosaic Virus so you can safely root it for rootstocks and bud away on it. And, also before I forget, you sent me Cl Lady Hillingdon. It's budded on Pink Clouds and makes the prettiest bush. It won't climb. Did you have issues with yours initially getting it to climb?

How long do you want to store the pollen? It's quite unorthodox, but I have had excellent results holding the drying anthers and stamen on sheets of paper in my living and dining rooms, at room temperature. I'm now in Santa Maria where it's a lot cooler than Encino was. I begin collecting the types I wish to use for the season and continue adding to the sheets as they flower. I've held all types of pollen (species to miniatures) on the sheets for many months, using it to pollinate the flowers I want to use, then dumping it out of the baby food jar I use to carry it outside to use, back on the paper for next time. I use the same baby food jar for each pollen as long as I'm using it so I don't contaminate it with other pollen.

If you want to use it next season, you will likely need to obtain some silica gel packs to prevent condensation, and freeze the pollen. But, if you simply want to collect it now and use it in a few weeks to several months, from what I've experienced the past few years, as long as it's kept dry and below 80 or so (because that's how the temps remain indoors here, so I know that works), you should be able to hold it six, eight months, perhaps longer. Of course you have to make sure there aren't any breezes to disturb it or cat's tails or anal retentive types with feather dusters and vacuum cleaners to spill it!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 MAY 20 by Margaret Furness
Climbing Lady Hillingdon has a reputation for being unwilling to climb from cuttings.
Re pollen storage: a South Australian rose breeder, George Thomson, stores pollen in the fridge. He feels that pollen is more virile at the start of our long hot summer than at its end.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 19 MAY 20 by Kim Rupert
Thanks, Margaret. That's why I budded the Hillingdon. I figured the chances of it climbing would be better. Apparently not.
Discussion id : 117-004
most recent 1 JUN 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JUN 19 by Jeffrey
Hey, Kim! Jeff again. I wanted to mention a rose seedling that just bloomed for me. It's from and OP of 'Alain Blanchard'. Unfortunately, I didn't get a shot of the bloom, and sadly, there are no spots that I can see. I hope I get more blooms though, I see lots of promising growth. I'm sure it's a once-a-season bloomer, so who knows? It's growing vigorously, maybe too vigorously... it sends out runners like mad. I like that trait for a wild garden, but unless it's grafted, well, I don't see much value That said, the blooms are lovely rosette shaped, hundreds of petals, deep mulberry red, with a strong scent. It looks a lot like the image of 'Petite Renoncule Violette' (the A dieu mon jardin image), but darker. It's a delightful surprise.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 JUN 19 by Kim Rupert
Congratulations, Jeffery! It sounds pretty. Hopefully, it will repeat a bit.
Discussion id : 116-940
most recent 29 MAY 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 MAY 19 by Jeffrey
Hey, Kim! I think we've corresponded before, but it's been a while. I have a culture question. My 'Veilchenblau' and 'IXLR' roses have grown spectacularly. My question regards powdery mildew and rose slugs. I've tried to hose the slugs off, and it's less than lat year, but they're still raging. The mildew comes after the first flush of new foliage, just as the flowers begin to open. Neem oil sort of helps, but these plants are now well up to the second floor of my house. Spraying has become a problem. Do you have any suggestions for a systemic solution?

BTW, my 'IXLR' has apparently sported a pale pink to white branch. It's interesting.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 28 MAY 19 by Kim Rupert
Hi Jeffrey, yes sir! You shared your Cl. Lady Hillingdon with me and I sent you the IXL. I'm sorry you're having the mildew and slug issues. How is the watering? Water stress can induce mildew, even in highly resistant varieties. If you're sure they are receiving sufficient water, there are systemic fungicides available. Probably the most convenient, should you decide you have to use it, is the Bayer All in One, systemic fungicide/insecticide/fertilizer. I only used it when I absolutely had to, to control a nasty outbreak of scale at a client's house years ago.Otherwise, I don't like the idea of putting systemic anything in the ground to get into the water supply and eventually food supply. IXLR can throw the pale pink flowers when something is amiss. I've had it occur due to too high heat, too much light causing stress, even a gall interfering with water take-up. You might try rooting a piece of the pink and seeing if it continues flowering pink.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 29 MAY 19 by Jeffrey
Thanks for the info, Kim. I'll have to try the systemic. As far as I can tell, watering is not an issue. I watch the soil and we've had decent, but unseasonable rain. Many of my other roses have problems with rose slugs, too. I've been hand picking all day. ICK!

BTW, I have a yellow rose I think is worthwhile. I have a compulsion to plant self pollinated rose seeds, and this rose and its sister are from a set of siblings from 'Compassion'. This sowing has given me some lovely surprises. Out of about 24 seedlings, a dozen survived, of those, several were very similar to 'Compassion' with just slight color difference-more peach than pink-and shrubs, not climbers. One is a large climber, and has BIG, beautiful, five-petaled, pale pink-edged magnolia-white blooms. They remind me of
Sally Holmes', but more pale yellow to cream. The buds are rosy, and very pointed. Two siblings bear amazing blooms. They are medium sized HT in form, taxicab yellow, non-fading and on long stems. The foliage is spotless disease-wise, and the rose slugs have had minimal effect. I had an unusual greed seedling, as well. It was very, very green, congested with ruffled petals, and lovely. Unfortunately the plant was weak, and it died. Then there's a HUGE climber with creamy-white, whisper pink petals. It looks like the 'Compassion' seed parent, 'White Cockade', but for the color, and many more petals. It's also extremely fragrant, and my garden is very cool and sometimes foggy. I'm trying to keep it in bounds in my tiny garden. I think it will do well with pegging, or horizontal training.

I do the self-pollination thing, because I'm exploring the manifestation of recessive genes carried by modern hybrid roses. I started this with over one thousand 'Cl. Fourth of July' seedlings. THAT was a magnificent experiment. All the seedlings were single or semi-doubles, most were striped. Some were pink and white, many were nearly identical to the mom plant, some were (and this is my favorite) red-on-red, semi-double climbers. Some had deep scarlet solid red petals with a black-red edge, and a few were pale yellow to white centered red shrubs. Sadly, most were left in Georgia when I returned to California. I have a C4J here, though, so I may try the experiment again.

If you're interested, I can send you a blog address where I've posted some pix.

Anyhow... Thank-you for your responses.
Discussion id : 110-874
most recent 22 MAY 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
Hi Kim. :) I have always been very fascinated with your crosses when I'm browsing this site. I wondered if you still grow fedtschenkoana, or if you maybe still have some hybrids of it laying around somewhere. :) I really want to play with this species and try to recreate the Autumn Damask with some improvements like thicker canes, fewer thorns and better repeat. I would be very happy to send you some Irises. I'm certain you have every rose I could send you. lol.
Reply #1 of 10 posted 21 MAY 18 by Kim Rupert
Hi Jason, yes sir, I still have Fedtschenkoana, though it's just barely hanging on. I need to repot it as it's almost out of soil, so I don't know if there are any suckers available. And, yes, I do have some hybrids of it as well as pollen collected from them. These are here now...

Something like two Pink Petticoat X Fedtschenkoana and several others.
Reply #2 of 10 posted 21 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
I like all three, but those first two are really nice. I love lavender colors especially, so the idea of a IHT lila banks cross is really exciting. It would be so neat to cross lavender HTs to several species and then recombine them all to create a rampant lavender. What can I offer you for those? It would be great to cross and recombine them. I want the scented leaves and colorful foliage traits the most from this species. And its propensity for creating moss roses. I have a very lofty set of goals.
Reply #3 of 10 posted 21 MAY 18 by Kim Rupert
Hi Jason, I have emailed you at the email address you have listed here on HMF. Thanks. Kim
Reply #4 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by AquaEyes
Kim sent me cuttings of 'R. fedtschenkoana' and its offspring 'DLFED 3', which I've been growing in containers for the last few years. Both are ready to bust out of their current 22" resin barrels, and will be planted at my "cemetery project" either this Autumn or next year. Kim messaged me about your interest, and I'll check tomorrow to see if either has a sucker I can easily remove. I don't want to remove them from their pots as they're currently blooming. If I can't find something I can get now, I'll try rooting cuttings after the first flush. 'R. fedtschenkoana' had just one success out of four or five cuttings, but if I remember correctly, all of 'DLFED 3' took.

If you're impatient, you may wish to check Long Ago Roses for 'DLFED 3', since I sent an extra there a few years ago.


Reply #5 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
I can wait. :) I'm so excited for just the offer. I love moss roses, and I definitely want to be working on that heavily. I would be very happy to send you some Iris, or perhaps a rose you might find interesting. I get send you tons of rugosa stuff. I'm going to be crossing rugosas and similar species with lots of lavenders, mauves, purples, and magentas. Hearts, Moons, Stars, Clovers and Baloons! Sorry, I just had to. Yeah, I'm going to be playing around with bracteata and roxburghii, so I'll have neat things to send you. You'll have to be very patient for that, as it will be a couple years. But I'll have tons of rugosa rubra and alba seedlings this Summer.
Reply #6 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by AquaEyes
Thank you, and keep me in mind should you have any OGRs to spare, as well as any named old perennials. I'm starting a heritage rose garden at a 50-acre park-like 19th Century cemetery. Eventually, everything appropriate from my garden will be either propagated for there, or moved there directly. Anything I can get donated means I'm able to direct money toward other things for there.


Reply #7 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by Kim Rupert
Christopher, would bearded iris be sufficiently hardy there? I have Crimson King, an 1894 Victorian repeat flowering bearded iris, which was shared with me from the Historic Sacramento Cemetery. It does flower several times a year and it spreads well.

You're welcome to some if you want it. It's the only iris I grow.
Reply #10 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by AquaEyes
Kim, yes, 'Crimson King' is on my list. Just as I made that huge list of date-appropriate roses, I've been making lists of other plants to use, as well as bookmarking nurseries that carry heirloom/historic cultivars.


Reply #8 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by JasonSims1984
I can provide several historic diploid (smaller flowered and species-like) Iris. If you want a really low maintenance and exotic flower, you would love Daturas. They have huge trumpet shaped flowers that open up at night and smell like lemons and jasmine. Rugosas are also prime territory for old fashioned charm. I might have some perrenial scented geraniums. They have blue flowers and the foliage smells pungeantly like patchouli. Nicotiana sylvestris and alata are great self sowing annuals. Oh, and opium poppies. Peony flowered, Danish Flags, Hungarian Blue. I can hook you up if you can give me some time. :)
Reply #9 of 10 posted 22 MAY 18 by AquaEyes
Jason, thank you! Those layers won't be used for at least another year, so now rush at all. This is my first year starting it, and will be about finding areas and prepping them with cardboard and mulch. I'll message you with my email.


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