I just purchased 12 Topkapi Palace Rose bushes and need advice about planting them. I live in Hidden Springs Idaho and our elevation is 3000 feet and the ground here is clay. What mixture should I plant them in? Thank you! Tony Snesko
HMF has this rose listed as 'Topkapi Palace'. You can use the SEARCH feature to go to the rose page and find out information about the rose and it's plant habit which should guide you as to how far you should space your roses when you plant them.
HMF also has many articles about how to plant and care for roses in the EZINE. You might want to read Wendy Christy's articles about roses and wintering roses, both are good reads and provide a lot of information.
There are many other articles in the EZINE archive that may also answer your questions.
Good luck with your roses.
Smiles, Lyn
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