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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 17 MAY 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 MAY 07 by Nomanon
In Los Angeles County, California, summers are very hot and dry. Some roses handle the
heat very well while others suffer. We have 120 days per year where temps reach
90 degrees or more. (Heat Index 8-9) Our winter low temps are are usually in the mid 30's to low 40's; thus cold tolerance is not a relevevant rating for us.
Heat tolerance IS a big issue with us because the roses are blooming and budding during
summer, but they are dormant during the winter, so die-off, or blooms are not an issue
at the coldest time of year here.

We grow about 100 roses, and after our first summer here, we try to obtain only the roses
that have a heat tolerant rating, or those roses that we know by experience.

Can you add a rating for HEAT TOLERANCE?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 13 MAY 07 by HMF Admin
That information is hard to come by, can you suggest a good source. The best alternative would be if more site guests would share their experience.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 13 MAY 07 by Nomanon
Otto's Nursery, in Filmore, California, publishes an annual Descriptive Rose Guide that rates
the roses they sell on the following aspects:
- Fragrance, Approximate size, Coastal Tolerance, Disease Resistance, Shade Tolerance, Cutting, Cold Tolerance, and Heat Tolerance. It also describes the Name, Type, Series, and

While this guide is very good for "boiling down" your selection to a few roses you might want to look at, it is necessarily rather general in its approach. While the Heat Tolerance ratings are pretty accurate as compared to our experience, and some of the descriptions are a little vague, it is one of the best quick guides we've seen. Otto's sells the Guide for $7.50, but if you
are a customer, they will usually give you one at no cost.

I feel that if you put a HEAT TOLERANCE rating on the web site, you will be surprised at the number of responses you will get to it. I have already commented on the heat tolerance of two roses (American Hero and Ronald Reagan) which have done very well in our summer heat.
I will be adding more Heat Tolerance ratings as the weather gets hotter.

By the way, Otto's has more than 120,000 roses in bloom every spring, and all the roses they sell are Class 1, so we travel 25 miles to buy our roses there. Their web site is
Reply #3 of 3 posted 17 MAY 07 by HMF Admin
Thanks for the tip.
NurseryDiscussion id : 18-775
most recent 14 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 MAY 07 by Nomanon
This is a duplicate listing. It is the same as Otto & Sons Nursery in Filmore, California.
Since Otto & Sons Nursery is the full name, this listing should be deleted from the database.
most recent 13 MAY 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAY 07 by Nomanon
Many rose growers wear gloves and long sleeves to protect themselves from thorns and priickles, but they overlook something far more important: EYE PROTECTION. Always wear safety glasses when working with roses. I would have lost an eye, a week ago, if I had not been wearing safety glasses.
most recent 8 JUL 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JUL 06 by Nomanon

American Hero: Superior disease resistance.  Foliage attractive with large leaves.   Blooms last a long time on the plant or in a vase.  Fragrance is not overwhelming. American Hero
handles summer heat very well

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