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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 19 JUL 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 MAY 07 by bokie
I have hese Lady Elsie May roses and Jacnepal roses. I was wondering what king of light these needed. Also, I live in in Buffalo, NY and the ground will freeze, what do I need to do to protect them?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 JUL 07 by Unregistered Guest
I bought one of these roses (Lady Elsie Mae not May) at the beginning of last summer and never got around to planting it until the following spring - I live in Maryland and the poor rose sat in its thin plastic pot through snow and ice and freezing temperatures and it did just fine (would probably make a great container rose.) When I finally planted it, this rose just grew like crazy and has been blooming ever since. It gets a lot of sunlight (probably 8-10 hours a day.) My Lady Elsie Mae also seems very insect and disease resistant, even more so than my Knock Outs. I did see a lot of aphids on it in the spring but they didn't seem to do any visible damage.
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