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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 29 DEC 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 DEC 20 by Jay-Jay
How does this rose (Tea San Gimignano) behave till now for You?
most recent 26 JUL 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 JUL 19 by jedmar
The colour is not right, isn't it? Do you have another photo?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 26 JUL 19 by Teenoisette
not yet. but you can see it at the side of la campanella and loubert and it´s the same!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 26 JUL 19 by jedmar
Sind trotzdem falsch. Hier die Beschreibung aus der Rosenzeitung 1903:
Neuste Rosen für 1904. (Die Beschreibungen sind die der Züchter.) Züchter: F. Dubreuil
Madame Martignier (Tee-Noisette). Strauch rankend, aussergewöhnlich reichblühend, mittelgrosse Blumen, Laub bräunlich grün und glänzend. Eiförmige, langgestreckte Knospen, 3-4 Stück auf dem Gipfel der Zweige. Kelchförmige mittelgrosse Blume, glänzend zinnoberrot gefärbt, mauve nuanciert, bei vollständigem Aufblühen mit amarantem Widerschein, Rand der Blätter gemsledergelb. Sehr wohlriechend.
most recent 7 MAY 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAY 19 by HubertG
The S'Orrosa nursery in Italy have it listed. There are a few photos here:
Reply #1 of 4 posted 7 MAY 19 by jedmar
That is more like it, although it could be some other, too. Need to find out more about the identification. The rose at the Holte Stukenbrock Castle is definitely incorrect.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 7 MAY 19 by Teenoisette
Maybe you could ask , before writing this!!
This Rose is from S´Orrosa. !!
This is the second time you say that a rose i post is not the real one and both times youre wrong so stop this!
Reply #3 of 4 posted 7 MAY 19 by jedmar
At HMF every member can make comments on roses and indicate where they think there are errors. The picture you have posted does not coincide with the descriptions of 'Lord Castlereagh', even if the rose was supplied by S'Orrosa. Maybe you can check if they have sent the wrong rose.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 7 MAY 19 by HubertG
Does it always come that pink Teenoisette?

I had noticed 'Lady Castlereagh' from S'Orrosa's similarity to my "Dr. Grill ex Honeysuckle" and I had wondered whether McGredy had used 'Dr. Grill' in his breeding programme for teas. Both teas have somewhat similar descriptions too and both were meant to open well.
'Lady Castlereagh' never really seemed to catch on, but it isn't inconceivable it survived somewhere in Italy. It would be interesting to know their provenance for it.
most recent 2 JAN 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JAN 19 by Teenoisette
I have 2 of them and at my place ( middle of Germany) it´s like a Climber, because it´s almost 300 cm high in 1 Year
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 JAN 19 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Sounds like 'Rêve d'Or'.
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