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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 12 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 JUL 08 by meg
a friend gave me a plant with big leaves, in a pot.she has several that she keeps outside in a protected area. they got too big for her house. she said it is over 30 years old. and originally a house plant. The one she gave me I planted outside morning sun and evening shade . It is doing ok. There were several pieces in the pot with large bulb like. She couldn't remember the name. I searched all my flower/garden books and could not find it. Then I looked in my houseplant book and found it. It is a philodendrons. The book had very little information about the plant. I would appreciate any help with this plant.Thank you Meg
Reply #1 of 1 posted 12 JUL 08 by Pascale Hiemann
Sorry, Meg, but I don't know anything about philodendrons, but you can search in Internet. For example you can give "Philodendron care". There are many sites about the subject. You surely find what you are looking for. Good luck. Pascale
most recent 11 JUL 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUL 08 by meg
I have a yellow Lady Banks Rose. How do I can for it. It has new growth coming out everywhere. Is it a climber? It only bloomed a few months ago. Is once normal for this plant? I got it last year at a local store. Thanks Meg
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 JUL 08 by Pascale Hiemann
Yes, it is once-flowering and grows rankly. Take a look at the pictures!
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