HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 21 AUG 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 JUL 14 by OLEF641
Rose Listing Omission

Ruth Gray's Mini

This is a miniature rose I purchased from Vintage several years ago. It was then described as a 'found rose' but all the information on it has now disappeared from their website, so I can't really add anything else.

It's a medium pink and grows about 18" tall in the 8" pot I have it in.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 28 JUL 14 by Patricia Routley
I've checked the Vintage catalogues for 2000 (the mini was not listed) and 2006 where it was listed.
I've added the rose and a few references. Am not sure of the name - Gray or Grey - so added both. It would be great to see any photos of the rose eventually.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 AUG 14 by OLEF641
I'll try to get some good ones and post them.
most recent 21 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 AUG 14 by OLEF641
There are enough "archive" retail nurseries listed here at HelpMeFind to make the search for somewhere to buy certain roses frustrating: you locate the listing for the rose, see that the tab for "Buy From" is active, and select it to find out where to buy the rose, only to find that all the so-called sources are now out of business.

I know resources are limited, but it would be helpful if these no longer extant sources could be moved into a new category for archive/closed/reference only nurseries (with an additional tab (?)) to make the quest for actual sources less frustrating.
most recent 28 APR 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 APR 14 by OLEF641
This nursery is closing in a few days.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 APR 14 by Margaret Furness
A great loss for the heritage rose world, and for rose-breeders who see the value in going back to early parents. Let's hope the Foundation can keep their collection going.
most recent 21 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 AUG 13 by OLEF641
Does anyone know why this rose isn't classed as a Micro-Miniature?
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