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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Rita Granata
'Le Vésuve (china, Laffay, 1825)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Rita Granata's "Giardino del Rosa".
Rita Granata
New South Wales, Australia
My passion continues to be biased towards David Austin's Roses and through this I have learned to love all the Antiques and especially the famous found Teas - with much thanks to our enabling Aussie Tea Rose Ladies & some fervent rose rustlers :)

I grew my first 40 roses in 1978, all Hybrid Teas in a rented house on a 1/4 acre block, which over 10 years gradually turned into a garden. Then I discovered David Austin.

In 1987 I bought my first house on a 627sqm block where I grew an English Cottage Garden of 360 plus roses and assorted trees, shrubs perennials which I called Giardino del Rosa where I gardened from 1987 - 2008.

In Sept, 2008 I moved and created a more modest garden on a similar sized block which comprised of 80 or so roses, again mostly Austins, a few Teas, antiques and various climbers. I named this new garden Giardino de Speranza (Garden of Hope). The first 50 roses were planted in the front section in July, 2009. In October, 2010 I planted another 30 odd roses, in the back garden. The garden was shared with six Issa Brown hens and in Dec, 2011 Shiloh, my German Shepherd joined our little family. In Aug, 2012 we rescued a GSD pup and named him Rex (after Kommissar Rex). Sadly, our beautiful, brave boy, Rex tragically crossed the rainbow bridge 14 months later :'(

In August, 2014, I had the opportunity to move from suburban Sydney and city life and set up house and home down in the rural south coast of NSW in the Jervis Bay district.
My rose journey continues to evolve here. Through a great deal of influence from some of the Tea Rose Ladies, the back yard north and west boundary fences were planted with predominantly Teas, whilst further to the back I used climbing Antiques. The plan was for the front garden to be full of DARs and cottage type companions. I needed to make sure the native Kangaroos, wild rabbits & foxes are not going to decimate my dream first :)

2014 10 09: Sue Kingsford from Roses & Friends in Fitzroy Falls (1.5hrs drive) delivered my 1st 18 roses, 10 Teas, 3 DARs and 5 assorted antique climbers ... a very significant step to calling this place home :) It was a delight to sit down with Sue over a cuppa as we gazed onto a very barren back yard and I shared my dream of a rose garden with her.

2015 10 17: today I have reached a milestone - 50 roses, with the purchase of the five more picked up today at our local HRiA Southern Highlands meeting. Amongst these included the Rookwood found rose 'Agnes Smith'.

The back garden space is as full as it can get it as I need to keep a decent sized lawn area for Shiloh and Aslan (who joined us in 2014). Being too inpatient to wait for help in creating the front rose garden, I decided to buy some huge Olive plastic (half) barrels where I planted 12 of my 19 DARs into. I have reserved six barrels for veggie growing.

May 2016: the first six roses find their way from pots to a newly created bed in the front garden and in Aug 2016, I took a chance and planted Crepuscule on the west facing, east boundary fence.
Beginner (46 years)
Photographer, Society member
Last visit: Tuesday, November 5th

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