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Golden Opportunity™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
First full bloom - July 15, 2020. Private garden in Baltimore, MD, USA.
Uploaded 15 JUL 20
Reddell, Rayford Clayton author photo
Author photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Photo by Saxon Holt from book jacket of HEIRLOOM ROSES by Rayford Clayton Reddell, 1999.
Uploaded 12 JUL 20
American Beauty rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
From THE ROSE A TRUE HISTORY by Jennifer Potter, 2010, Page 287. Caption: "A cigarette card c. 1895-1900, linking the 'American Beauty' rose to timidity in a series on floral beauties and the language of flowers."
Uploaded 12 JUL 20
Canina rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
From THE ROSE A TRUE HISTORY by Jennifer Potter, 2010, Page 11. Caption: "Named after the ancient belief that its roots could cure the bite of mad dogs, the dog rose (R. canina) grows wild over much of northern Europe and western Asia. From a nineteenth-century album of wild flowers from Devon by Lydia Penrose."
Uploaded 12 JUL 20
Cherokee Rose rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Illustration from THE ROSE A TRUE HISTORY by Jennifer Potter, 2010, Page 273. Caption: "Cherokee ROses, 1889, by Martin Johnson Heade. Long considered an American native, this rose is actually Rosa laevigata from southern China."
Uploaded 12 JUL 20
Pal, Dr. B.P. breeder photo
Breeder photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Photo of Dr. Pal from A HERITAGE OF ROSES by Hazel Le Rougetel, 1988, Page 125. Caption: "Dr Pal grows his roses and bougainvillea in pots on his high terrace garden in New Delhi."
Uploaded 11 JUL 20
White Banksia rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
From THE ROSE A TRUE HISTORY by Jennifer Potter, 2010, Page 224. Caption: "The white Banksian rose, Rosa banksiae var. banksiae, is William Kerr's one recognized rose introduction, of 1807. From an anonymous watercolour in the Reeves collection of Chinese paintings held by the RHS Lindley Library."
Uploaded 12 JUL 20
Madame d'Arblay rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Photo from A HERITAGE OF ROSES by Hazel Le Rougetel, 1988, Page 91.
Uploaded 11 JUL 20
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