HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 20 OCT 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 OCT 13 by Mariano R. Saviello
Dear Peter and Celeste Pongrácz,

My name is Mariano R. Saviello, I am 29 years old and I have recently got my degree in Biotechnology in the National University of Quilmes (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since I was a little child I love all kind of plants, but roses are my favorite. Maybe it is true that they need many special cares, some attention and a lot of love; but this support is always proportional with the happiness they give us in their flowering time! All the time and effort we invest is well worth! That is why I started to grow them since I was a little child.
My grandfather Domingo Saviello was also a rose grower and used to have a huge collection of roses in Necochea, a seaside town almost 500 kilometres from Buenos Aires, where we have a house where we spend every summer harvesting cherries, plums, apricots and pears. Activity shared by other members of my family.
At the moment, this huge rose collection is not what it was; but we could keep during some time some really interesting varieties, including some antique relics, really difficult to find nowadays in Argentina ´s nurseries (eg. ´Charles Mallerin´, ´Isabel de Ortiz´, ´Kordes Perfecta´, ´Michele Meilland´, ´Talismán´, ´Tzigane´, ´Rina Herholdt´, ´Intermezzo´, ´Virgo´, ´Pascalí´, ´Frau Kart Druschky´, ´Salmon Ange´, ´Ballet´, ´Eden Rose´, ´Montezuma´, ´Crimson Glory´, ´Forty-Niner´, ´Mojave, ´President Hoover´, 'Rose Gaujard', 'Dr. Debat', etc.), although it is a pity we could not invest much time in the house because it is really far away from where I am living now (Buenos Aires). I really love to take care of them everytime I go there for some hollidays (twice a year), and help with the pruning in winter and when the flowers are full of flowers each time I go in October. It is my hobbie and a really healthy way to spend my free time, and switch my mind off the daily routine.

Some years ago -or a bit more, maybe- I read about the ´Help Me Find´ website, and posted some pictures too, but could not dedicate too much time because I was studying hard to get my degree; so I used the site just to learn about this plant and identify some of our roses. Nowadays, with more free time but without the physical presence of my my grandfather, I am trying to recover his rose collection, and have been buying many roses to fill the empty spaces of the garden: I plant each variety in the place it used to be when my grandfather was young, according to what he have told me. Everything has changed a lot and I am having now a really fragrant rose garden every spring.

The aim of this contact, after reading in the ´Help Me Find´ website that you are one of the few gardens growing ´Chantré´ rose , is just to answer if you could have some available pictures to provide me, to see if it is the rose my grandfather once described me. He always said that this amber rose on long stems with dark leathery leaves, made him think of a rose from ancient times. Actually it was one of his favorite (and mine too!)
I receive some pictures and cuttings of the ‘Chantré’ rose grown in the Budatétény Rose Garden, from the curator Gábor Boronkay, but I had no success with them. That is why after five years I thought in contacting you, in the attempt to know more about this beautiful HT, hoping I can grow it in my garden once again some day.

Sending my warmest greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina
most recent 22 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JUN 13 by Pongracz
Really an interesting cultivar. The flowers change their color from nice light yellow to charming pink, without showing any sign of aging. It is especially spectacular when more than plant is planted together - looks like yellow and pink flowered cultivars in one bed!
most recent 24 MAR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAR 13 by Pongracz
Beautiful! This is such a photogenic rose! Perfect photo of it!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 MAR 13 by Mari J.A.
Thank you! It really is quite a photogenic rose!
most recent 22 FEB 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 FEB 13 by Pongracz
Our Joy and Happiness is a sport of My Joy
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 FEB 13 by Patricia Routley
Thanks. Fixed.
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