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Discussion id : 5-061
most recent 11 FEB 04 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 JAN 04 by arnold freeman
we live in israel. the climate is hot and dry with no rain during the 4 summer months.altho the rose bushes grow to huge sizes,there are other problems. these include:a unbelieveable amount of fungal infection especially powdery mildew,lack of bud production during the summer and loss of fragrance during the summer.the rose books we have stress the north american or northern european climate.are thereany books that detail issues related to a mediterrean climate? thank you. arnold freeman
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 FEB 04 by Petals & Buds Nursery & Display Gardens
Hello Arnold
Might I suggest any rose books written in Australia, particularly the Southern parts that also have a Mediterranean climate. Rose books by Susan Irvine are good. A few tiles of her books are 'Gardens of Australia' and 'Garden of a Thousand Roses'.
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