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Discussion id : 3-124
most recent 29 JUL 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 JUL 03 by liza baldwin
HELP!!!! I am a new rose gardener.. i bought a beautiful rose bush and replanted in a clay pot.. it is not happy.. the leaves are dull though new growth is appearing.. i may have planted it too deep.. please comment.. it is too beautiful not to save!!!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 JUL 03 by The Old Rosarian
Planing a rose too deep won't cause any problems. Most roses are really not happy in a pot and a clay pot as it draws out the moisture so that the rose roots are dried out and that is the reason your rose is not happy. Containers should have potting soil in them as this soil has a mixture which tends to hold the water and so doesn't dry out. I would replant it in a potting soil mix and then water it well every second day . If you haven't fertilized it then give the rose a handfull of any rose fertilizer and scatter it all around the base and water it in.
Discussion id : 2-672
most recent 30 JUN 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 27 JUN 03 by Anonymous-797
I have 4 roses in a huge planter box in front of my house, they get afternoon sun and are growing beautifully.

I have noticed that the color of my 'Mr Lincoln' is not red, as it was when I bought it, but is more of a magenta/purple. My Peace does not have the pink on the petals like it should, rather they flowers come out creamy yellow.

Is this a sign of a deficincy?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 JUN 03 by The Old Rosarian
Mister Lincoln is very typical of certain red roses. He starts out a deep red and then in a few days will change to a purple red. This is normal for this rose. Peace has been so long in the rose world that many times you will not get the true colour of this rose.
Discussion id : 446
most recent 1 MAY 03 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 MAR 03 by Cindy
My husband came home with 3 pots of miniature roses. They were beautiful - but no care instructions came with them. Two didn't even say what kind they are. The leaves are turning brown. I've tried watering - letting them go dry. Putting them in the windowsill, taking them out. The still seem to be blooming - maybe the leaves are supposed to be brown? I've never had roses before, and I love them. I just don't know what to do with them. Eventually, I would like to plant them outside if I can. Any help would be appreciated!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 MAY 03 by Philippe Blumenthal
You have to take them outside, roses do grow outside. The sooner the better!
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