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Discussion id : 118-657
most recent 11 OCT 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 OCT 19 by Rockhill
Months ago now, I sent a donation of $50 US to give me premium membership but this has not yet been shown in My Account. I would really like to access lineage files.

Hillary Merrifield Rockhill
Reply #1 of 4 posted 10 OCT 19 by HMF Admin
The star next to your member name properly indicates you are a premium member (thank you!) so something else is at play. Let's start with a specific example so the support group can attempt to replicate the exact issue. Please provide an example of a rose you were not able to view lineage for.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 10 OCT 19 by Rockhill
Thank you for your reply. I had not seen a star alongside my name until just now and yes - I am able to access the lineage files.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 11 OCT 19 by HMF Admin
Had you not been able to view lineage until recently ? Please contact the sales dept so they can review the details and adjust your premium membership expiration date.
Reply #5 of 4 posted 11 OCT 19 by Rockhill
My records show that the donation of $50 US was made through Paypal on 30th August, 2019. I will note in my 2020 diary that the next donation is due on that date.

I am very appreciative of the work HMFdoes and find it a useful research tool.

Hillary Merrifield Rockhill
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