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Discussion id : 16-271
most recent 25 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JAN 07 by indoor rose garden
Question: How do I keep the leaves taut and pest-free?
Subject: Indoor potted Double Delight in a south facing bay window
Concern: 1/8" long white-white crawly bug that leaves white trails of little white dots on the top surface of the leaves. I pick off the leaves/clusters of leaves that are affected. So far there have been about 8 leaf clusters(5-7 leaves each)
Other concern: Leaves are a beautiful green but many of them curl under somewhat

Other info:
Sunlight: The plant is by the window screen. When it is sunny out, I open the window. I supplement with a grow light.
Water: I water in the morning, about 2 cups a couple of times per week. I mist the leaves some, but mostly the soil.
Food: I feed it Miracle-Gro 15-30-15 plant food.
Thank you for any help!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 JAN 07 by Wendy C
I don't know about the creepy crawly. There is a link to Baldo's bug site in the "links" for helpmefind.
I've got several Double Delight roses growing outside. And it seems to me that this rose's leaves to curl under ever so slightly. The foliage on this rose should be delicate, it's not one with tough, shiny leaves.
Stay on the prowl for spider mites. The rose will appear as if it needs water, when it doesn't. Mist the underside of the leaves daily and it will help keep them under control. Spider mites hate water.
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