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Discussion id : 126-721
most recent 30 MAR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 MAR 21 by robbiehart
Beginner question here: As a first time rose-grower, I'm looking for a good rose to quickly ascend a north-facing wall in St. Louis, and was pretty taken with the description of 'Rambling Rector'. However, I haven't had any luck finding this in stock in any US nursery. I was wondering if this is just a seasonal thing, or if perhaps I happen to be trying to find a particularly rare or unobtainable variety.

[edit: of course, if anyone wants to recommend something better for this situation, I'm happy to take suggestions]

Reply #1 of 4 posted 29 MAR 21 by ....
Reply #2 of 4 posted 29 MAR 21 by Margaret Furness
It comes down to whether you want a rose that has only one flowering season, like Rambling Rector, or repeat-flowers. Mme Alfed Carriere, as suggested by Delaney, is a nice scented repeat-flowerer. You could contact a Heritage Roses group in your area, to ask what does well in your climate.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 30 MAR 21 by robbiehart
Thank you both for the wonderfully helpful and productive responses!
Reply #3 of 4 posted 29 MAR 21 by ....
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