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Discussion id : 80
most recent 19 MAR 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 MAR 03 by Unregistered Guest
What should I do to prepare the soil to plant a rose in the garden?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 12 MAR 03 by Alex Sutton
When you are ready to plant a rose in the garden, take into consideration the growth habit of that plant, both the part that you see above ground and the unseen (but very important) part below.
[From The Complete Book of Roses, edited by John Mattock, p. 42:] The roots can in a short space of time (two years) penetrate to a depth of 6 feet, provided of course that there is an amenable environment to grow into. There are two types of roots: 1) a fibrous root system which is relatively close to the surface and is the channel by which the plant can absorb the benefits of manure and fertilizers; 2) tap roots.
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, pp. 71-72:] There is one practice which has been too frequently adopted in planting Roses singly on lawns -- that of placing the turf close up to and around the stems immediately after planting; this cannot be too highly deprecated... Were they [the roses] allowed to become thoroughly established, the turf might then be laid on without producing such injurious consequences. But it is desirable to avoid even this... the turfing of the ground prevents in some measure the air from permeating the soil, which proves so beneficial to the growth of the plants...
Reply #2 of 3 posted 10 APR 03 by Anonymous-797
I want an answer to the question above. Please let me know.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 19 MAR 12 by DRH Dave
See "soil preparation for rose planting"
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