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'Conrad F. Meyer' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 133-749
most recent 15 JUL 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 JUL 22 by Le_Not
In the 1929 "Hardy Roses for South Dakota", N.E. Hansen lists 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer' among many rugosa hybrids that were hardy in the State Rose Garden in Sioux Falls. (I can't find anything to suggest the garden is still there -- could somebody from South Dakota correct me? -- but the site is described as harsh: "located on high land, with no shelter belt and exposed on all sides to the full windsweep. It would be hard to find a more severe test than on this stony, sandy hill.") While Sioux Falls is now classified as 4b, I suggest that 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer' is likely hardy to 4a...
Discussion id : 125-247
most recent 24 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 JAN 21 by Dad'sRoses
Available from - Rose Petals Nursery
Discussion id : 103-831
most recent 1 AUG 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 AUG 17 by Sambolingo
Available from - Old Market Farm
Discussion id : 87-527
most recent 30 AUG 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 AUG 15 by CybeRose
Journal des Roses (May 1902) p. 67
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
Cette variété est un semis provenant du croisement de Gloire de Dijon, avec Duc de Rohan, pour la ligne maternelle et pour la ligne paternelle Rugosa Germanica (qui est un résultat du pur hasard ou plutót un accident fixé d'un semis de Kaiserin du Nord de 1887.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 30 AUG 15 by Patricia Routley